6ap.39, e/In Expofition upois the Book of J oB. Verf. i 5. her brood when they are hatched ; when the heat of the Sun (fay, Tome ) by the providence of God, hash done one part of her duty, to bring, them forth, thenegleofs the other part of her du- ty, which is, to bring them up ; and Co the pains that fbe took in laying fo many great eggs ( one tells us, her heft is ufually fto ed with fourfcore eggs, others fay with twenty, the leaft fay with twelve or ten ) teems tobe in vain , fhe taking no careof them, nor having any regard to them. This the Spi it of God exprefs eeh. in the beginning of :the 16th verfe, She. is hardened againfb her young ones ; (he ïs,as forgetful of her chickens ( if I may fo call them ) as file was of her eggs. 7,96bie Abraham reads thus God bath hardened her again(t her young ares ; and the rea- fon that hegives for ir, is, becaufe the word is in the Mafculine Gender, which cannot well agree with the Feminine ber. And we find it inan.a Live fignifiication afcribed to God (Ifa. 63.17.) Vérbur7 O Lord (aid the Church there) why haft thou hardened our hearts nonalitiquans from thy fear.? Nor is it any where elfe found in the whole Bi- hic79 tfa. 63. ble, but in this place of fob; in this fence the Rabbin expounds it 17.a m/rnvaga here, nor is it either an impertinent or an unprofitable fence. ler quod For as God fornetimes judicially hardens the hearts of men, fo I'lti7 i in he Both ä1Co naturally harden the heartsof fome beafts and birds, Hiphil. obdu- an'd makes them of a cruel ditfpofitionagainft their own kind, and ravir.Merca then they l:t them finkor fwìm, and expofe them to thegreatefl danger without any the leaf§ proviuon for them. The Septuagint or Greek Interpreters,. do not, read as we, She is hardned againft her young ones, but taking the Came aaive (ignification of the verb, fay thus ;. She hardneth heryoung ones that is,'(he doth not bring them up tenderly, nordelicately, but leaves them to fhi£t for themfelves,. and Co hardneth them. And the reafon of that rendring maybe this, becaufe there is no par_, title in the Hebrewexprefling the word, againt ; wefay, She is hardnedagainit her young ones,hut the prepofitioncommonly ren-( dred againft, is not in the Hebrew ; that faith only, She hardneth labÿ% nor, brin fonre9. heryoung ones, or, She is hardning her young ones ; but the fence ideo eru tnalui du- rifeth much to the fame point, whether we read, She hardneth rite? babes ant heryoung ones, or, is hardned againfl her young ones for by being t vallar Pias hardned againft them, or by Wing them hardly, fhe hardneth .fuo°, pot's°!, them.Many parents harden their children by being hard to them. het oonrra1fiitas, f re put the fenfe of both readings together, it will, make the fuoí.Druf. matter 405 :