Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

406 Chap. 39. an Expofition upon the Book.of J o n. Vedas. 4`111 NY" Vi. d ttur htc poti. r bin usffpe alias, Lamed Egro Cappufur- patur;fro. erunt to carnera und, i.e. quilt caro tana. Druf. matter more compleat; fhe hardneth her young ones,by hardning her felt again(} them. Our reading is full and clear, Shehardneth her felfagainfl her young one;, or children; fo the word ((ltialy taken) lignifies. As though they were not hers. Implying, that the confideration of them, as hers,fhould have made her more tender of ,them ; yet (he carrieth it as if fhe had no relation to them. The Hebrew is, For that they werenot hers ; which here, as in other parallel Scriptures,is rightly feared in our Tranflation, efts though they were net hers. As ifit had been Paid, the could not do otherwife,notworfe by them,if they were meer ftsangerstoher, or fuch as the had no title to. She deals nobet ter with them, than as if they either were not hers, or as if they were nothing to her, and the no way concerned in them. Such is that complaint of the Church (Lam. I.) Is itnothing toyou, all ye that pals by (and fee my forrow) is it nothing to you ? are you not at all concerned ? am Ito you meetly as a (hanger, that you pats by and takeno notice of my fufferings? Thus the holy Gholl defcribes the 011:rich, the is hardned againfl her young ones, as though they were none of hers,_or as if the had nothing to do with them. Hence note, Fir(l ; They that deal hardly with others, are hardened againfl them. When Pharoah dealt fo extream hardly with the people of lfrael, when he increafed their number of bricks, and denied them (}raw, and made them ferve with rigor, he was extreamly hardned againft them. That fpihitual judgement, hardnefs of heart, was deeply upen Pharoah, when he dealt fo hardly with the chofen people of God, notwithflanding all the corporal judg- ments which God brought uponhim. And as it was in that cafe between Pharoab and the children of Ifrael, fo inany cafe what- foever , he that dealerh hardly with others, bath a heart hardned agaì.n(i them ; as this beafl-bird, the OPrich ( upon that ac- fount) is faid to harden her Pelf againfì her young ones. Nett,