Chap..39. an Evolition upon the'Book of j O B. Vert, a 5. 4o7 Note, Secondly; 'Tis an aggravatisn of hard-heartednefs, to deal hardly with thole that areyoung and tender. They that are grown up, they that are hardned, can endure hardship. The Apofle Paul would have every believer, efpe. -a ciailya Minifter of the Gófpel, to endure hardfhtp ( z Tam, 2. 3.) ' Cis both their duty&wifdom to harden themfelves,who are like to endure hardship, and to find the world hardned again(} them. All fuch (hoard inure themfclves to endure hard things, or to fnf- fer evil (asthe word there is) as thegood fouldiers of fefusChrt/l, oti',xvtt wawa- Good fouldiers,efpecially old experienced fouldiers, will indure encor. Yú (gá1_ hard;hip; but your raw Couldiers, new lifted fouldiers, who never tú fa:frad -.1. faw.battel or fledge, can hardly endure ir. The O:}rich puts her young ones to hardship, We (hould be very careful, if we pur hardship upon any:, to put it upon thofe only that are tic to endure it ; we (hould nor put hardship upon young ones ; 'cis the fpi- tit of an O;htich, of a beafl- bird to do fo. racobhad a tender re- fpedt tohis flocks, for this reafon ; -when Efau would have jour- neyed with him, no, faith he (Gen. 3 3. a 3,) My Lord knoweth that the children are tender, and the flocks aid herds with your; are with me, and if men fhould over-drive them one day, all the flack would die. As if he had (aid., (hould [ ufe there youngones hardly, that are not fitted for hardship, I. (build de(lroy all.. fa- cob hada tender care of thofe that were tender. The Minifters of the Gofpel Ihculd take heed that they harden not themCelves againf} the young ones of the flick, fuch as are newly come in to Jefus Chïi(}, late Converts, Babes in Chrifí, as the Apoffle calls them (t Co'. 3. r.) chofe (hould be dealt tenderly, with The Prophet defcribes the tender care of Chrifl towards his people under this notion (Ifa. 4o. t r .) He (hall feed his flock like a Shepherd ; he (hall gather the Lambs with bis arms,and carry them to his bofom, and (hall gently lead thofe that are with young ; and thall his Minifters °hurry and over-drive them ? When any do fo, are they not as the Oils ich in the Ter, hardned againfl their youngones, yea again(} thofe that are with young? Again, From that addition to her hard heartednefs; not only is fhe hardnedagainft her young ones, but fhe is hardned as if they werenot hers. E-íencc.