Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap. 39. An Expofitton on the Book of J ö B with, and reproves them for, while hefaid, The daughter of my people is become cruel like theO/riches of the wilderref r. Let all own relations to the utmoft, and take heed of turning away from, and callingoff the care of theirs, as if they were not theirs.The Prophet (Ifa. ç8.7.) puts it among the duties of a fall, That thou bide not thy felf from thy ownflefh. Then we keep a true fait, a fait, that God hath choral, when we break our bread to the hun- gry, and bring the poor that are call out to our houles ; when we cloath the naked, and comfort the forrowful,not hidingour felves from our ownReal; by wch,though wte are,fpecial'y to underfinad our kindred and neereft relations in the flefh,yet'us true of meer orangers, of thofe who are at furtheft rem a from us, as to ti- theralliance or confanguinity, if they need our help. God bath made all menof one fiefh,in the fame fenfe that he hath made all men of oneblood (AEC. 17. 26.) and therefore to hide our felves from thehelp 4 any man indittrefs, is to hide our felves from our own flea... ' ris much tobe wondred, that a foolilir bird fhould be forgetful of heryoung ones, as though theywere not hers; but it is to beabhorred in men and women, efpecially in thofe that-profefs the faith of Chrif}, that they fhould nomore look to them that are theirs,than asif they were not theirs. The Apoflle gives this cenfureof, or fentence upon all filch ( Tím. ç. 8.) If any man provide notfor bit own, and efpecially for tbofeof his own houfe, or (as the Margin bath it) kindred (if any man carry it to- wards them, as if they were not his) he bath denyed the faith, and (in that point) is worfe thanan infidel ; for the common light of nature teacheth infidels to take careof thole that are their own, and not to flight them, as if they were not theirs. Farther note,Fourthly; Thecorset our relations (or of thofe that are ours) loth not Iwdllin meerly6y nature, it ie thegift of God. The Apoflie defcribinn the beltof Heathens (Rom, a.) faith, They were without naturalaffcEtion. Naturebath not of it fellna- tural affeaions,That forcebetas of the earth,and birds ofthe air, are very ful ofnatural affe6lion,none candeny;but it muti be gran- ted alfo, that Godhath planted thofe affections in them. If, that which wecall natural affection , were purely from nature, then every bird and beat{ would have the fame natural affeetion but G g g this Verf. 13. 409