Chap. 39. An Expof:tion upon the 'Bookof 3 0 . Verf. t'6. 41 the Chriflians, the more they were confirmed in the faith of Chrit}, The Oarich layeth eggs for the encreafe of het kind ; there- fore if her eggs be broken,, or the young ones trodden under foot as foon as hatcht, here's labour in vain to the fecond fenfe at leaf}, becaufc >no good comes of her labour. Yet Imay fay, the labour of the °arich is here faid tobe in vain, not becaufe the bath no cffea of her labour, nor becaufc the effe& runs crofs to her intent, no, nor becaufe the hathbut little fruit of her labour, but the is faid to labourin vain, becaufc if God did not take more care of her eggs and young ones than thedoth, her labour would be altogether invain; for her labour is (as it followeth) Without fear. What fear ? There is a twofold fear ; Pirí't, There is a fear puzlingus with diara&ion and amazement. Secondly,a fear urg- ing us to a&ivity and indul}ry. The Otiriches labour is without fear, thatis, without Cud fear as thould put her upon indeavour to preferve her own eggs and young ones ; file fears no evil that may come to them, and fo cakes no care what becomes of them ; the is a fearlefs creature of any danger, and fo a carelefs crea- ture, as to the ufe of any means for the prevention of danger. The Oarich is not without all fear ; for they that have hadbete knowledge of this animal, have found her fo fearful a creature, that her fear, as well as her folly, is gone into a Proverb ; a ve- ry fearful man being faid to be mare fearfisl than anOflrich. The Oarich is here Caid to be without fear , becaufe the wants that provident fear which fhould excite her to look after thofethat are hers, as a parent doth or ought, after the good of chofe that depend upon h m.TheOfirich barb no love for her youngones,& therefore no fear about them. Though Tian (as was coucht before) reports otherwife of her (lib. 1 4. cap. 7.) but in this he is alone, andmay be fufpe&ed as to the truth of this relation, as well asabout the number of her eggs formerlymeutioned,where- in otherscontradi& him ; and therefore, if God took no more are than fhe(as was (aid) all her labour would be in vain. G n g 7 time