Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

ri iinUpü;il+`'! , 4T2 Chap. ag. An Expoftion on the Book of J o B. Verf. t Nonminor oft virtus quant goal-ere paru auerì, Hence note ; We labour in vain to have, if we tabour not to preferve what we have. What is it to have eggs, if there be negle6 of hatching them? what is it to have youngones, if there be a negle& of bringing them up ? It is as great a vertue to preferve what we have at- tained by labour, as to labour for the attainingof it ; and how much foever we labour for the attaining of any thing, unlefs we labour for the prefervation of it, both labours are in vain. All labour is in vain that is not followed with a duecare for the pre- fervingof what we labour for. Note, Secondly ; tAf duefear puts ter upon the safe of means, for the preferva- tion of ourfelves and our relations. Fier efi folic-id What's the reafon why this O(lrich takes no care to hatch her plena timoris eggs, to preferve her young ones ? She is fearlefs; had the a coon. fear aboutthem, fhe would take care of them. As true lovais full of folicitous fear, fo due fear is full of folìcitous endeavour. Fear makes us both confulcive what to do, and naive indoing it. And as it makes us both confulcive and ad}ive about our outward prefervation, fo much more for our inward and fpiritual prefer- vation. It is Paid of Noah (Pleb. 11.7 .) That being warned of Godof things not feen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark for thefaving of his houfe. Noah had never taken care to prepare an Ark againll the deluge, but for thefe gracious impreflions of fear,that God wouldbring a dreadful inundationupon the world. Fear movedhim, and faith prevailed with him to prepare an Ark, The Apoffle (Phil. 2. r 3.) calls upon all believers to work out their falvation withfear and trembling. If we have no fear about our falvation, we ¡hall never work out our falvation.. Yet 'cis a truth, that theywho have moll affurance of their falvation, Are tool} in working out their falvation. Holy affurance is fo farfrom making us carelefs, that then we are moll careful, knowing that the Lord hath joyned the end andmeans together ; knowing al- fo, That they are inmolt fafety, who have molt fenfe ofdanger yea,tbat they who have moltfear of danger,are fartbeftfrom feeling danger., The labour of the Ofirich is invain, becaufe the bath no fear 3 :