Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

C1311.39, an Expo[loon upon the Book. of ] o B. Verf. a. 3. 4'3 fear ; her foolifhnefs makes her fearlefs, and that makes her carelefs ; therefore no thanks toher, that all her labour is not lof+ or in vain, that both her eggs and young ones do not utterly mifcarry. Thus we may profitably meditate upon the improvi dence of this creature the Otirich, and learn wifdom from her folly,to make us more providenr. But whence is it, or how comes it to pafs, that fhe is fo foolifh ? The next words tell us. Verf; 17. Becanfe ÿod bathdeprivedher of wifdom, neither bath be impartedunto her underflanding, In this Verle, a reafon or an account is givenof this bleckilh- nefs, careiefsnefsand fearlefsnefs of the O;lrich ; it is, Becaufe Godbath deprivedher of wifdon. Morefoolifh than an Ofirich, is a proverb for the greatefi fool. The Hebrew Text may be read thus; god bobmadeher to forget wifdom.Now,as onemay be laid to forget that which he bath not, fo that which he never had. In the defeription that B ldad gives of a wicked man (Chap. 8. z 3.) he faith, This is theportion of them that forget God; And Oblivifcialt. who are they ? the words are a periphrafis of the wicked ,, To Pis dicitur,. forget God is their chara6ter; they may be laid to forget God,who nqua: fc t- never had any true knowledge or remembrance of him. Thus tiara ant noti (Gen. q.t. 3o.) There (hall artfe after them (that is, after the tiamhatuit._ fcven years of plenty)fcven years offamine, andall theplenty ¡hall Druf. beforgotten in the Land of Egypt. in a time of famine, we are rather quickned to remember former years of plenty, together with the waft that we then madeof it, and our unthankfulnefs for it. When the lfraelttes had nothing but Manna in the wil dernefs, they complained (Nam. a I. S.) We remember the fifh which we did eat in Egypt freely , the cucumbers, and melons, and the leeks, and the onions, and the garlick. Now, when 'tis Paid, that in the (even years of famine, they'thould forget the fevers years of plenty, the meaning is, they (hould have no plenty at all; -the fotgetting of it was not the not having of plenty in their me- mories, but the not having it in their hands. When a people are in a time of trouble, they remember their former peace and when in firaights,.they remember their former liberty ; but they are laid in faraights, and trouble, and famine, not to remember their liberties, peace and plenty, Inquire theyhave none of them. Thus here god barb made her to forget wi fdorm, that is,, the bath ne