Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

4T4 Chap. 39. an Fxpofition upon the Book, of J o B. Verf. 17. no wifdom, nor knowledge, nor underftanding ; and when it is raid, according to our tranflation, God bathdeprived her ofwifdom, we are not ro take ir, as if God had taken thatflock of wifdom from her which once the bad ; but his deprivingher of wifdom, is his not communicating wifdom to her, or his not trufting her with a Bock of wifdom ; Forfo it followeth, 'Neither hat!) he imparted to her underflarding. sapientialieu. This latter part of the vole explaines the former, and thews thioninon pri- that the Oftriches want of wifdom is not privative, but negative; f - vativd fed ne- God hath not taken it from lier, but not givenit her. But here gativddeefl. it maybe demanded, bath God given wifdom, or impartedun- 1 in 4 n derfianding to any fowls of the air ? Are not there two words, non vitiofe wifdom and underf>zanding , too high for beafls or birds, indeed, natur, vitium for the whole irrational part of the creation ? I anfwer, as the lomini natura Oftrich huh no true wifdom nor underflanding, fo neither hath Au c on o, anybeta or bird. Wifdom and underftanding taken f rì&ly, are sapientiam& proper only to rational creatures, Men andAngels ; there is no inreffigentiam wifdom where there is no rearm : yet wifdom and underllanding nominat indu- are afcribed fometimes to brutifh creatures,and here the Of{rich, fromnatura- a brutifh creature, is Paid tobe deprived of them, or not to have lem Aquin. them. communicated to her, becaufe not fo much as that fhaddow sapientiant ven to lem appears a wifdom and ifdd undertlanding is gi her, which a in licit affetuot to fome beafis and birds. Brutes are a raid to have wifdom, becaufe P40461141 areas they have that which ferves their turn for their prefervation ; and confervandi, fome of them are faid to have wifdom, becaufe they are indeed pod úina wirer, and more fubtil than other brutes (Gen. 3. a.) yetall their wifdom is nothing to the wifdom of man. That natural affetion and forecaaof beafts and birds, in providing for, and bringing up their youngones, is their wifdom ; of thiswifdom God bathdeprived the ORrich, neither bath he impartedunto her fo muchas this 1mall parcel of - underflanding, not fo much asthis fhaddow of underflanding, which he bath beftowed upon other, both birds and'beafts. And there appears fomewhat id nature,as a proof, that the Ofirich is a foolifh bird, for her head is very little, and her brains (in proportion ) much lefs. And that any oneUlrich hathnotmuch brains, may be colleted from apiece of the Romans Idiflory, which reports, that Heliogabalue the Emperor had the heads -of fix hundred Ofiricbes prepared for him