Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap. 39. An Expofstionupon the Bookof Jo B. Verf; -r7. 415' him at one fupper, only for the brains fake. 'Tis added alfo by the fame Aurhour, that the Ofirich is naturally deaf, and that Bothartus. there is no perfe& animal elfe, in the whole compafs of nature, that is deaf or wants thefenfe of hearing. And needs mutt that creature have little or no underf'tanding, which hath nohearing, that being the fenfe of difcipline. All thefe confederations con- firm what this Text in job fpeaks of her, that God bath not ins- parted toberunderflanding. HenceNote, Fira ; Some beafls of th, earth, and birds of the air, have fame- what that may be called wifdam,fo much at leaf+ as felves their turn, and dire&s them to do what is beR for them- felves and theirs. Though the ORrich is (hurt of this (hort pittance of under - fcanding, yet molt irrational creatures have it. Nose, Secondly ; Whatever looks like wifdom and underflanding, in abrutecrea. tore,beafl or bird, is the gift of God. r God is faid not to give or impart wifdom and underffanding to this brute creature, therefore-he rives it others. Wifdom,fuch as it is, inbeaffs and birds, mutt be acknowledged to be a gift of God. Not only ever good gift in man, but every good gift in beaf+s, their ftrength, their fwiftnefs,their fubzilty,andcraft, their fore-caU, are of theLords plantation in them. Thirdly, Note : Clod bath not given a like portion or meafare of wifdom ana under/landing toall brutecreatures. Some have (in thtir capacity) a great deal, othersvery little, fo little that they may be faid to have none at all, as the Offrich in the Text; who ( though in fome things [he bath underfianding, yet ) as to her eggs and young ones, is a carelefs, witlefs animal. As there is a difference among men in wifdom and underffandm ing; force have a great portion given them of God, others have fo little, that theymay be faid tohave none : The natural man bath no fpiritual underflanding(Ifa. 27. 1 t. ) This is a people of no under/landing ; therefore be that made.them, will not bave mercy