4:,6 Chap.,39. e,4n Expo,,/ition upon the Book, of J o B. Velf.i 3. vac, upon them ; and he that formed them, will "thew them no fa- moar. What ! were they brutes and beafis ? no, poffibly they were wittyand fubtle enough for the world, but they were a peo- ple of no fpiritual underftanding. Men full of natural under ltanding mayhave none that is fpiritual. And as to naturaland political wifdom and underftanding, there is a great difference among men : Some have enough to rule Kingdoms, others, not enough to govern a family,no,nor their perfonal affairs; yea, fame men are fo low imparts and underfiandiug, that Godmay be faid to have deprived them of underftanding, or not to have impart- ed wifdom to them. And this offers us a ground of ufeful me- ditation. Let us biefs God , that men have more wifdom than brutes ; and if any man have more wifdom and underftanding, than his neighbour, let him acknowledge the goodnefs and bout- tyof God to him in it ; for who bath made thee to differ in na- tural wifdom and underftanding? As the Apoflle fpeaks of that great difference amongmen, grace and nograce , tYho hathmade thee to differ ? how is it that one man bath grace, and an other hash nò grace ? bath man made himfelf to differ in grace? No, it is of grace that any have grace : So who bath made thee to differ in common wifdom and underftanding ? what, thy felf ? furely no.You that feem tohave asmuch wifdom aboveother men, as men have above betas, have not anyof your felves it is God who makes all men differ from beafis in underftanding, and it is he that makes one man differ from another in underftanding. He that bath almofi as muchunderftanding above other men as men have commonly above beafis hach it all of God. Under- (landing,is not of narure,nor is it gotten(though it may be impro- ved) by Rudy and induftry ; gold and (livercannot purchafe ir,nor can ourpains procure it.What man receives not, hebath nor; nor bath any man more than he bath received? Now if common wifdom be of God, and we owe him theglory of it ; how much more is fpiritual wifdom, which is to fear him , and fpiritual un- derftanding, which is to depart from evil (job 2b. alt.) the gift of God ! What a mercy is it to have wifdom, .« Firft, ToknowGod in (Thrill, whom toknow is eternal life. Secondly, To knowour (elves loft, miferable and undone for ever without Chrift. Thirdly,