Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap 39. jn Expofitionupon the Boo,,ofJ o s. Verf. 18 , 4-17 Thirdly, Toknow the difference between good and evil, be- tween light and darknefs, truila and error, found doarineand damnable, right worfhip and fuperffitious or idolatrous. Fourthly, To know our duty, what is incumbent uponus in this life. The wifdom of the prudent is to underhand his way (Pro.' 4.8.)where to walk, what to do, that hemay keep the and clore toGod, to know upon what bottom he is fettled, and uponwhat ground he treads. Fifthly, What a mercy is it for us, that live hereon earth to fee our way to that eternal life in heaven ! Lafily, What wifdom and underffanding bath God imparted to hispeople, and how thankful fhould they be for ir, that they are able, while on earth, to converfe and have communion with himfelf in heaven;! The Apoale faith (Phil. 3.20.) Oar con= verfacion is in heaven with whom there ? with God.True be- lievers know how to converfe with God , and can fay (in their meafure,as the Apoflle fobn, ' Ephef.'. 3.) Truly oar fellow-. pip is with the Father, and his Son fefeu Chr{f This wifdom bath God imparted to his faithful fervants, and how thankful fhould they be for it ! The leaf} ray of wifdom is from him ; that inbeans, and that in common men, much more that ingodly men. The wifea in the world would have had no morewifdorn than an Oarich, had not God provided better for them, and given them aricher furniture of internals or intelleáuals. Further, confider this Oarich as agoodly bird, having beawi- ful'feathers, yet not adram of wifdom or underaanding. Hence Note, Fourthly ; Manycreatures have a bodily 'beauty and flrength, yet little wit and anderflanding. TheOfirich bath a bulky flrong body, as well as beautiful fea- thers ; but her brains are as light as her feathers. And is it not fo with forne men ? their gay feathers are viable ; but where is their underffanding ? Note, Laffly; The fame creature lay ruant rigout to one point, yet have it in another. The011tich, :who as to taking care of her youngones, bath no H h h under-