Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

478 Chap. 39. eon Expoltioti upon the Book of J o 8, Verf. is underfianding, is yet reported by Naturaliflito be very fubtle in force things;for when the is pur.fued bythe f-lunter,(he gathers up ffones with her claws, and calls them back to the hurt of her pur- fuers. 'rig fo likewife among men ; force are wife enough in this or that matter, while miferabiyblockiih and defeecive in all things elle. And of all wicked men the Prophet bath left this charaééer , 'They are wife to do evil, but to do good they have no üncwledge. And that the Ofrich bath this piece of knowledge and cunning, to do a milchief to thole who intend her one, may be colle&ed from her confidence, in that cafe, fpoken of in the next verfe. Verf. r 8. what time floe lifteth up her felf on high, floe jcornetb theHorfe and his Rider. Before we heard of the folly of this creature,now of her pride and confidence. What time, or at the timewhen /be lifts up ber Pelf, that is, her head, neck, and wings on high, that the may run the (wilier; floe fcornetb, r c. And this'ihe doth when befet by thole whowould take her,then the lifteth up her felf on high, that is, as highas (he can,though ( as was raid) veryhigh Ilse cannor,and then the calls back Hones Ælian. i. t4. upon her perfeenters.And hence forme conceive thefe words give C. 20. anfwer to a fecret or un-expreffed obje&ior. For it might be PFitt. t. faid,If theOffricb,which is of fo heavy abady,be likewife o f fadill a wit, having no wifdom nor un erflanding jurely, then floe maybe eaFily taken and deflroyed ? Not fo neither ; for God bath pro- vided her a help againa this time of danger, and therefore though {he be of a heavy body, and have little underfianding in other things, yet the under{lands how to thift for her fell; the raifeth up, her felt as high as floe can, and flutteìingwith her wings(which the holds up like fails to the wind)fhe drives on a- Sumatis ails main:though floe keepeth liill upon her feet,or rifeth very little at at ve- any time above the ground, and is therefore faid to fly roving, la curfu per- dr to run flying, or, in a fort, to fail in the air, very lightly nikJeo vend' touching the earth is, vet the is forílewhat lifted up, and being totes deludit thus lifted up,: - r:vn jtueta teepur, Ski