Chap. 39. e4n ExpoFtion upon the Book of J o B. Verf. t 8. 419 She fcorneth the Horfe And his Rider. As muchas to fay, the can out-run them all, and fo cares not a ftraw for then), let them do their worfc ; the fcorns them,not be- caufe able to refift them,or as if the thought her Pelf fironger than they,but becaufe by help of her wings,though on her feet, the is fwifter than they. So that, in plain courfe they can never over- take her, and therefore not take her ; only by forme flights and firaragems, the is incangled and taken ; fne may be over -reachr, but (hecannot be over-run. And fo fwift is her courfe, that it bath long fince grown into a Proverb among the Arabians, who thus fignifie a man of great expedition in bufinefl, He bath ridden upon the wings of the Oflrich. What time the liftetli up her felf or, high, Ike fcorneth the Horfeand his Rider. Hence Note, Firfl ; Dangers put all creatures to their utmofl fhiifts. The Ofcrich being heavy bodied, bath no great mind to run' and being fhort or weak- winged, bath little power to fly, yet when (he muff, the runs to purpofe ; the will not lofe her life to fpare her labour. Great dangers makeus do great things. Fear -adds wings to our feet, and makesa heavy body mount and fly, rather than go.The Otlrich (in that cafe)liftethup herfelfon high. Note, Secondly ; Nature teacbetbus toPeek our fafety above, or on high. Though the Oft:ich cannot fore aloft in the air as the Eagle, yet (he lifts up her fell as high as (he can above the earth.Some reek for,fafety by creeping into the ground, and running into the holes of the earth (Ifa.2, 19. Rev.6. t6.) But the belt way for our fafety, when we are purfued,is by liftingupour felves on high, and that to God ; to get into his power, and mercy,and good- nefs; that's our way, and that's our wifdom, when we are hunted and purfued by our enemies. I (faith David, Pfal. r 21.1. ) will lift upmine eyes to the hills, from whence cometh my help ; that is, co God (ver. 2.) When theOtirich is thus lifted up fhe fcorneth the Horfe andbta Rider. H h h s Hence