Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

420 Chap. 39. AnExpofition upon the BookofJ o rà. Verf, r S) Hence Note They who think, they are out of danger, defptfe danger. TheOl}rich looks uponher felf as out of danger,when fhe is on h gh,and therefore foams the Horfe and hisRider. Danger is not to be laughed at, when we are under or within the reach ofit; but we may laugh at it when we are out of the fear of it (job 5,2z,) At deftruúicn.and faminethou 'halt laugh.. Why ?becaufe through the goodnefs of. God thou £halt be provided again(} them, and prepared for them. A believer (corns the Horfe and his Rider, his fwifteft and moll eager purfuers , becaufe he can lift up him_ felf on high, or as the Prophet fpeaks (Ifa. 33. 16. ) Hedwelt on high, his place of defence is themunition of rocks, bread fsall be given hint, his waters ¡hall be fore ; he is fafe from danger, and out of gun-(hot : This makes him laugh at danger, at trou- ble, and the (word. God who fitterh in heaven laughs at hisenc.- mies, and bath them in dirifion (Pfál. 2. 4. ) why ? becaufe he knows, they who oppofe him, can do nothing to annoy him they cannot ruin his kingdom, norhurt his fervanns, how much fo- ever they mole(} them ;. he fits-on high, he is above all hisene- mies, And as God lifted up in hitnfelf, fo a.godly man, lifted' up onhigh in God, upon the wings of faith and love, (corns the Horfe and his Rider For as the Apoffle was (Rom. 8. 38, 39.) fo he is perfwaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things prefent, nor things to come, nor hetghth, nor,depth,nor°any other creature (hall be able tofeparate him from the love of Cod, which is in Chrifl jefou our Lord ; that is,. they flail not be able to feparate him, either from that love that Chrift bears to him, nor draw him off from that love which he bears to Ch.rifl.Whes once hisfoul is dra.wnnp roa dueheight in believing, he fcorns-all dangers, and in all thefe things ismore than a conqueror. A man that is a .conqueror, much móre`he that is more than a conqueror, may (corn all dangers, and con- quer themwho think they have more than conquered him.. From this whole verfe rake thefe brief inferences, Fir(}, Thatwhich will not ferve all turns, rna yyl ei irve manyhires. we might think the winos of the O(trich were given her to no