Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap. 39.. An Expofition upon the Book of J o B. Verf.i S . 42 a no purpofe, becaufehe cannot flyaloft,nor make a lofty flight; yet penn,eßru- they help her for another purpofe, they help her much in run- thlonùCurren ning,though little or nothing in flying. tern Blum ad- juvant, vola- Secondly, : silent non red- That which is very beautiful may not be very ufeful, duet, The OPrichbath more beautiful wings than the Eagle, °yet makes little ufe of them. We may in appearance be fit to do thatwhich we cannot do. Thirdly, God doth not ufually give all to one : He bellows one thing upon this, creatures, and that upon another. The Oflrich bath goodly feathers, yet bad wings; the Eagle bath no goodly feathers, yet good wings. One man excels in this gìfr, another in that, (carte any one bath all (a Cor. t z. 8, g, to ) All have not the fame gift, and none have all gifts, that all may be kept independance uponGod, and be humble one to- wards another, feeing they muff be beholding one to another. All men cannot do all things ; And though all godlymen can doall rhings(whichare commanded of God as theirduty)through Chrrt flrengthning of them;yet force godly men cannot do föme thi-ngs, which others can. Laflly, That which is conceived, and may well be the defign of God inqueflioning fob aboutthis creature, was to teachhim, and us in him, the wifdom of God towards unwifecreätures, and the power of Godin faving thofe that areexpofed todanger ; and fo toquiet both jobs (pint and ours in flaying upon his p-ovì- deuce, when we are in greatefl flraights. What thoughwe have not Eagles wings, yet between wings and feet,we; (hall make a (lift to (hufile out of danger ; and if we cannot put=fly) yet we, may-out-run the Horfc and his Rider. 10Z< ,.,,