Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

422 Chap. 39. an E.vpofitionupon the Book, of J o B. Verf. 19: J O B, Chap. 39. Verf. 9 , 2 0 2 1 . 10 19. Haft thou given the Horfeftrength ? hail thou cleathedhis neckwith thunder ? 20. Canfi thou makehimafraidas a Grafhopper? the glory of his noflrils is terrible. 21. He paweth in the valley, and rejoyceth in his flrengtb 5 he goethon to meet the armed men. orHe Lord having occaTonally mentioned the Horfe, the hunt- ing Horfe, at the r 8:h verle of this Chapter, queliions Equigenerofif- yob, and enters a large difcourfe about the Horfe, the war Horfe, ,Firm elegantif- or Horfe for war; and is pleated to give us a molt elegant and film defcriptio rhetorical defcription of that kind of Hones, exceeding all the fancies of the old Poets, and The (trains of O,ators, The divine eloquence of this context, exceeds all competition and compa- rifen. The war Horfe is defcribed twowayes in this context,or with rtobur ejus in refpe6t to a twofold qualification. rate animus in Pita, With refpect to his force; at the ioh verfe ; Hafi than naribus indi- given the Horfeflrength ? haff thoncloathed his neck with than- eatur, quibus i- der ? ë `udare di- Secondly, To his fearlefsnefs:or courage, which is defcribed in the fix verfes,following. Firft, By his fighting of all danger ; C'anff then make him afraid like aGuafhopper? (,) He mocked) at fear (ver. 22.) Secondly, His courage appears, as by fighting danger, fo by that which is a'confeejuent of ir, his forwardnefs to run upondan- ger; for fodoth he, thatgoitb out to meet the armed men, or ar- mies of men, vet.2 r . and turneth not away (as he Both not)from the(word, ver. 22. And fo doth he, that fwallowetb the ground avithflercenefs and rase, that (for joy) bdreveth not that is the found of the Trumpet ; that faith among the Trumpets, ,Ha, ha, &c. ver. 24, 2,c. If any fhould ask a reafon, why God beftowed fomuch rhero- tickupon a bruit beat+, upon a horfe ? Ianfwer; God, who is in-