Chap.s9. 4n Expofation'sopots the Book of J o B. Verf.19. 413 infinitely wife and holy, will not mi(pend a word he will not lavish out lines vainly, as men oftendo ; the Lord thereforehad this defign and fcope in fpeaking fo largely and rhetorically of this generous horfe , even thereby to let forth his own power, wifdom and greatnefs in making him, and to convince fob yet farther of his own weakneis and inability, as compared in fome things with a Hot fe. Vert 19. Haft thougiven the Florfefirength ? TheHebrew word which we tranflate Horfe,is Sus,and thence the Latins have the word Pegafa: (as fome conceive) which is as much as, The horfe of thefountain ; and bythe very fame word, in found and letters, the Latines exp :efs a Swine, and another language, Silence. Ofie cf the Rabbins faith, he is focalled from a word of the fame, or a verynear found, in the H_b;e,v,though not of the fame letters, fi nifying to rejoyce, becaufe the Horfe is achearful beaft. O hers from an Arabick, word, l gnifying to governor rule, bacaufe he is a docile creature, and Coon fubmits CO government. Haft thougiven the Horfefirength ? What Horfe ? The word is indefinitelyput in this 19th aerie, and may be taken for any horfe ; yet the fubfequent defcripti- on, reftrains it to a particular fort of horfes, horfes of war, or war horfes. A horfe is a very ufeful creature, and there are fix feve- rai ufes of the Horfe Firft, For travel, which is theordinaryufe ; we fay, this is a good travellingboric. Secondly,For burden, the carrying horfe. Thirdly, For drawing Carts and Waggons, &c. the draught horfe. Fourthly, For pleafure, the bunting horfe. Fifthly, For fwiftnefs, the racehorfe. Sixthly, For war, the valiant horfe; chat's the Horfe in the Text : Haft thou given the Horfe Strength? . Every horfe according to his ufefulnefs needs ftrength, the war borie much more. Hat} thou given that horfe ftreugth which needs D1D Equur, undeYegafue, quajî fontis Equus.9usLa; tinis r'orcum, HebræisEqua }lsndrisBen- tiumfìgnifitata Cornel.d Lap. D10 d fY11tU Letari, Rab. Becai,