Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

44- Chap. 3'9 an Expofttonupoitbe Boak,of J o s. Verf. 17. needs fo much flrength ? As if the Lord had Paid, fob, thou,feeft thehole is a firong and (lately beaft, a beaft of great force ; how came he by bis flrength? haft thou given it him, or I ? furely not thou, but I : It is I, whohave made him ftrong ; it is 1, who have ;row a,ns: filled him withcourage, andfitted himfor the battei The Hebrew mine ïa word, which we tranflate ftrengtb , doth not lignifie ordinary quad eft vir, flrength, but manly nobleflrength ; a flrength, not only of out- non qualem- ward force, but verrue. The Root notes, agreat ,a potent man. t aqmipertat It is not any kind of flrength which is here intended, but an fed voila:try allive ftrengtb; I may fay, a manly flrength. Hiftories report nobilem. f}range- things concerning the manly flrengthof the Horfe ; his is Phrn I.8. c. agenerous flrength. Alexander, horfe, calledBowel/ha/at, is fa- äf laHomer. mous for the greatnefs, bothof his flrength and fpirir. Haft thou ' given the Ilorfeffrength ? Hence note, Firfl ; Theflrength even of a horfe, is thegift of God. God is infinitely flrong and mighty ; and whatfoever might or flrength is found in any creature, God is the Author of it : Strength ingreat proportion, isnot the portion of every creature. Solomon (Prov, 3o.z6.)fpeaks of the Coneys as a feeble folk,they have little or no ,flrength yet that they have little ffrength,òr tharlittle flrength which they have is of God, aswell as that the Horfe bath -great flrength, or the great flrength of the bode The flrength of abell is of God , as well as the flrength of man. The flrength ofmans body is of God, as well as that more excellent flrengthA the flrength of his mind, or the flrength of hisunderffanding, judgement andmemory. All flrength flow eth from, and is tobe afcribed unto the ftrong God. As no man gives ir, fo let noman take it to himfelf. Glory not in flrength ; give God the gloryof all flrength, even of the Horfes ffrength.. Secondly, AHorfe having received fuch mighty flrength, yet is ferviceable toman, for very many, and very neceflary .ufes, as was toucht before, not only for pleafure,for hunting and racing, but for burdenand for travel, for draught and for war. Hence