Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap. 39. afin Expofition upon the Book of o B. Verf. a,. Hence note; The powerandgoodnefs of God is much feen, and mach to be ac. knowledged, in making a creature fo Chong, yet fubjelí to, and ufefulfor man. Some creatures have great flrength, yet are nor, nor will be fubjea nor ferviceable to man. It is laid at the 1o. verfe of this Chapter,, concerning the Unicorn, Carfl thou bind the Unicorn with his band in the furrow ? or will he harrow the valleys after thee ? The Unicorn bathgreat firength, but man can get no fer- vice from him ; he cannot bind him in the furrow, nor make him dohim anyother work. Why is it that the Horfe, whó is of great flrength, though pofliblynot of fo great arength as the Unicorn, is foferviceable ? furely the reafon is only this, B:caufe God by his power bath fubdued the flrength of the Horfe to, and for the fervice of man. Who could break the Horfe, who could handle and managehim, if God himfelf had not brought him to hand ? The Elephant, greater in flrength than the Horfe or Unicorn, is yet made fubje& to the ufe of man, by the power and appointment of God. Take five Inferences from both there coniderations ; That the flrength of the Horfe, is of God ; and that the Horfe, though mighty in firength, isby God fubdued to the ufe of man. Fir&, If the flrength of horfes be the gift of God, then, do not glory in their firength ; though they are very firong, yet re- joyce not in their flrength, but in God, who bath given them their tlrength. David faith (Pfal. 14». io.) The Lord delights not in thefirength of the Horfe.Tne Lord gives the Horfe firength, but hedelights not in it ; no, nor in the legs of a man ; The Loris delight is in them that fearhim. The Lord tells us, he doth not delight in them, to teach us, that we fhould not delight in them, The Lord delights not in the flrength of a Norte, much leis in the firengthof tholemen, who are like Horfes and Mules (of whom David ("peaks, Pfal. 32. 9.) wholemouth mall be held in with bit andbrídle,leff they come neer untous, to do us a mifchief.Some men are firong in body, and Ilrong in mind too ; they have firong un- derflandings,and firong memories;yet rebut likeiirong horfes, that muff be held in withbit andbridle, elfe they will do more tnifchief with their flrength,than the tirongePt ungoverned horfes. Iii In 4Zî