426 Chap. 39. an Expofttionit rQn the Book of Jo E. Verf. it,: In théfe the Lord delights not ; he cannot delight in the ftrength of any who are {iron; to fin, and to do wickedly ; or (to gire it in the words of the Prophet, Ifa, s. 2 z.) Who areflrong to drinkwine, and to minglefirong drink: fuch a ftrength force men glory in., but the Lord abhors all that flrength which is ufed and iflued to the darkning of his glory. Secondly,As we arenot to delight in the ftrength of horfes,but in God, who bath given them their irength;fo,whatever flrength we fee in the horfe, or in any other creature,we thould give God the glory of it. Do not glory in the ftrength of creatures, but in God,who gives them their ftrength ; that whichhe bath gìven,or cometh from him,fhould returnunto him in daily pralle, or in the due acknowledgement of his power and goodnefs. Thirdly,Vfe the fbrength of horfes (I fayalfo,your own flrength) for God, andnot againf} him. We fhonid take heed of imploy- ing the ftrength whichGod bath given abeaft, againfi God; much more fhould we takeheed of ufingour own ftrength againa him. When men imploy the ffrength of a beet, :or their own, againff God, they imploy the gift againfi; thegiver, and fo fight againfl God with his own weapons. Fourthly, If the flrength of horfes be of God, or be his gift, Then trot not in the flrengthof brier ufe the flrength of horfes, hut do not truft the tlrength of horfes. If yyu truft that firength which God bath given to horfes, you make them your God. How often cloth Godforbid trufling in the flrength of horfes,as know- ing that we are apt to truft in any thing that is ftrong, though but abeatl (Pfal. 33. 17.) 4 horfe it a vain thing for fafety, neither (hall hè deliver any byhisgreat flrength. As if Godhad laid, you think a borfecan fave you, but know, he is a vainthing. Andwhen the Pfaltnift faith, A borfe it a vain thing, he cloth not mean it of a weak borie, but of (fuch a borfe as is here defcribed) a brie- of the greateft flrength ittiaginable , fuch a borfe is a vain thing to fave a man, neither can he deliver any by his irength; and therefore the Lord, when he promifed great deliverances to his people (left they (timid expe& it by the irength of horfes) faith (Hof. t. 7.) I will Pave them by the Lord their God, and will not fave them by bow, nor by(word, norby batted, by horfer,nor by harfe.men c As if he had told them, donot lookafter creature ftrength tobe laved by a borfe-will be a vain thing to fave you, and