Chap. 39. dinExpofition "span the Bookof Jon. Verf.r9. 427 and I can fave you effeeivally without horfes ; yea, I will. Hence the people of God (Hof a4.3.) when beaten off from all out- ward helps and trufts, are brought in, (peaking thus ; offhur (hall not fave us ; we will not ride upon horfes, neither will we fay anymore to the work, of oar hands, ye are our gods Heretofore we thought to be faved by this and that, we thought, if we could havehorfes enough they would fave us ; but now, Á/hrar fha!l not fave us, nor will we ride upon horfes. We may coiled from (Pfal; yo. -i.) how the fpìrit of man runs out this way ; Some trufl in chariots, and fame inhorfes ; bait we will remember the name of the Lordoar god. The Law of (Moles gave great caution á- bout this thing, limitting even the King in this cafe ; and that Lawwas made for the King fome hundred of year's before they had a King(Deut. a7. t 6.) He Jhall not multiply horfes to h m- felf, nor caafe the people to return to Egypt, to the end that lee fhould multiply horfes : As if ie had been faid , rake heed you do not put your confidence upon the arength of horfes; though the Law deny not your King the ufe of horfes, both for civil and military affairs, yetit limits him that he (hall not multiply them, left, having many of them, he (hould look upon them, asmore than they are,or canbe, his help, and fo put confidence in them.Hence alfo is that reproof (ifa. 31. i.)woe to them thatgo down to Egypt for help, andflay onhorfes, and trail in chariots, becaufe they are many) and in boric-men, becaufe they are very /frog. We fee how the fpirit ofman runsout to the horfe which God hath made firong, even forgetting God who bath made him ftrong. That people thought themfelves thong enough with horfes without the 4irong God, and therefore the Lord told them at the third verfe, The Egyptians are min, andnot god, and their horfes are pp, e, andnot[pirit ; that is, they are weak and not (tram, : not that they were weak in themfelves, but weak to fave and deliver them, or to give themvieory in battei ; they are but flefh, and not fpiric : fle(h notes weaknefs, and fpirit notes firength ; fo that,thongha horfe hath a mighty ttrength,yet if you truft to him, he is butflefh, that is,hc is weak.And fome conceive thiswas the reafon why the Lord commanded fofhua, in his war With the Ca- naanite", to hough their horfes; as therule is given (fo(h. t 1.6.) 7 hotsíhalt bough their horfes, and burn their chariots with fire ; that is, cut their nerves, or as we fay, their ham-firings. Why I i' i''2 did