Chap. 39, an Expofition upon the" Book of 3 o B. Verf.19. blacknefs (Ifa4o.3.) Of the fccond fort, are all thole Scriptures which lay,Aperfon is cloathed withrig'htest fiefs (Job 39.14. Pfat. 132.9.) With falvation (Pfal, 13 z, [6.) with gloiy and beauty (fob4e. Io.) With power or fircngth (Pfal. 93.. I.Ifa. 51. 9.) ?Pith the Spirit of God (fudg, 6. 34, 2 Chron. 24..2o.) with dtfolation (Ezek, 7. 27.) With 'home (Pfal. 7 t. 13. Pfal, 109. 29.) And as both things and perfons are Paid to be cloached with thefe,fo tobe cloathed with any thing, notes two things ; either, Firtl, that fuch have much of it. Thus to be cloathed with glory,is tobe exceeding glorious; and to be cloathedwith .flume, is to be exceedingly afhamed ; and to be cloathed with pride, is to be exceedingproud ; and tö be cloathed with righteoufnefs and honour, is tobe -xceeding righteous and honourable ;. and tobe cloathedwith h _mility, is tobe exceeding humble ; and laftiy, to becloathedwith the Spirir, is tobe exceeding fpiritual, and full . of the Spirit. Or,Secondly, to be cloathed with any thing that is good, notes it tobe very becoming and ornamental to us, as rich and futable garments are ; or if it be bad, that it is very difgrace ful and detrimental to us,, as filthy and uneomelygarments are. Now, here in the Text, when the neck of the home is Paid to be cloathed with thunder, it mull needs note fomewhat, in which the horfe exceeds, and which is both anhonour and an ornament CO the horfe.. Haft thou (faith Çod to fob, or I) cloathed his neck,with thunder ? There arevarious interpretations of the word which we here eradiate thunder. Firfl, Some affi:m, That the word by us rendred thunder, fig. Hÿitruej?' nifies nothinglefs than thunder, or that it (loth not figuifie thun- ronitru, alias der atall, neither in a proper, nor in a metaphorical fence; but y`tdkarar. that it lignifies the horfes mane. Norcan it be denyed, but that vejlimenrino- this form of fpeaking is very apt and elegant, to lay,, the neck of mine indigo a horfe is cloathed with his mane ; as birds may be laid to b 7ubat denjas cloathed with feathers, or beafls with hair. And here the men- 6 ;crifí antes.., Lion of the horfes mane is fitly.brought in, becaufe the (cope of 6at, the place is to let forth the chief lignes and conditions of a one- rous flomackful War- horfe. For though the meanefl horfes have manes,and that of anancient Author be true, is parr, of all hor- fes, Zenó hog i :r} That the mane it given themfor an ornament -, yet generous Comment. m bodeshave thickeil and fulldfl manes hanging down and covering re equegri, their: 429