Chap. 38. an ExpoJition upon the Boob of J o a, Verf. 2. 2.5 for thereinhe is not chargedwith any falfiry or grofs rni(+ake (he indeed having fpoken of God and the things of God, of his own innocency and piety, with the rewards of both, truly and wor- thily) but onely with obfcuring anddarkning the things which he had uttered. His fpeech bearing much of the Image of his own troubled fpirit and croublefom condition, was fomewhac troubled and confuted. Therefore I conclude that the perfon fpoken to and reproved in this fecond verfe was Pb, not Elihu ; who is this that darkeneth counfel by words without knowledge ? and it being refolved that he was the man, let me (before 1 proceed to the matter of this reproof) give out this brief Obfervation. We have heard at the eighth Verle of the firfl Chapter, how God fpake of rob, and now confider how God (peaks to fob ; There the Lord approved him highly, as not having his like or fe- cond on earth for well- doing; here the Lord reproved him (harp-. ly,for undue- (peaking. Hence Note ; as God willnot conceal the praifes of his fervants when theydo well, fo he will not conceal their faults, nor forbear to re- prove them, when they either do or fpeakamifs. When Satan came upon that folemn day, and flood before the lord, God Paid unto him, Haft thou confidered myfervant Job, that there's none like him in all theearth , a man perfeïl and up- right; fo perfe*l and upright both in his walking withme, and in his dealingwith man, that he kath not his fellow ? Thus God fpake of him as to his former flare. But now after yob had fpoken long in this difpute, and had let fall fome unwary and unbecoming fpeeches, fiehowGod fpeakes to him, Who is this? as if he had been a man fcarce worth the naming or fpeaking to. God will not flatter his Servants; if they do or fpeak what is not right, they ate like to hear of it. Wherein he had fpoken what was not right, or what his fault was, appeares in the next words, Who is this That darkeneth counfel by wards without knowledge ? Words againfl knowledge are the worff words that can be fpoken ; the Lord did not charge yob thus far : words without knowledge are very bad, and thus far theLord charged the words of Job, as alto with that which is an unavoidable effe& of fuch words, E The