Chap. 9 An Expofation on the Book of Jo a Verf. 20. 435, fort of them, to make a found with their feet when they run. And if it fhould be granted that great and generous horfes have fomewhat peculiar in this, and make a greater Potted thancom- mon horfes irr running, yet to take the comparifon from the found which Graft- hoppersmake in flying, doth eafily refute this expo- - fition. We know indeed, what Plan, faith, Grafs-hoppers make !tech a found with their wings in flying, that theymay be thought Efiàt, eafizh. fosse other kind of fowls: Yet we cannot therefore believe, that it is a proper fimilitude, to compare the found which horfes make in running ( who, as Poets de to phrafe it, make theearth trem- ble and groan j with craffing noife which Graft- hoppers make while they fly in the air. For if the comparifonmay at all be taken from flying-fowls,great fowlswere much fitterfortr,who de to fly in flocks toget'.fter;Yet thefegreater fowls make no very great noife in flying, much left canGraft-hoppers. And there- fore the Poets,both Greek andLatine,though they affeet to fhad- dow great founds and clamours, by a Gmilitude taken from flying- fowls,- yet they do not take the refemblance from the found which their eyingmakes with their wings, but from the found or I3cotíús ansa chattering which they make with their bills while they fly ; of mad farm% which the Reader may find many infiances given by the learned. Author named in the Margin. Seeing then fowls do not make any filch noife in flying, as may ferve for a futable refemblance of any great found, furely char (mall noife which Graft- hoppers make in flying cannot be a proper refemblance of ir. Further, here is nothing Paid of many, or of a troopand body of horfes,but of a fingle horfe,or of horfes fingly and apartconfìdered. Now that fame one bode fhouid be comparedwith one Graft-hopper, as to the found which the one and the other makes in their morion, were no fmall abfur- diry. This therefore may fuffice for the laying afide of that firfl in- terpretation of the whole claufe, though the force of the word doth not oppofe it. Secondly, Others read the Text thus , Can't thou make him .stn cortrntive- move leap or skip like thegrafs-hopper: As if the Lord had faid,lt is bil sum in ma- not of thee, OJob, e me that the harfe bath this ro ert to Y°m t°`:<fk``. f 9 1 f t s p y Drrf; move himfeif like a Grafs.hopper, Kick z The