Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap,39. 4n Expofition upon the Book of J o B. Verf.2o. 437 great agility and nimblenefs of the horfe is fer forth, as before Numquideffé= us his flrength and courage. Haft thou made the horfe fo agile or tr/otiut fe in< wive, chat like a Grafhopper he doth as it were, leaping fly, flat Lociflæ3 and flying leap. A horfe will do firange'fears of activity if well i e. Fecjtino managed. This interpretation is much urged by feveral of the eguum agilem learned ; yet I conceive the purpofe of thefe words, is rather to fiat Locuftam?_ fer forth the boldnefs, than the nimblenefs of the horfe. Our TunebiagitP- Tranflation carries this fence clearly, tatem darepaf Canff than makf him afraid as the Ç rafhopper. fis qualm ofiendit, cam The Grafhopper is a weak and frightful creature, he is foon Lo ufa :mode feared, and quickly flies away. The word rendred a CÇrafhopper, óc. fignifies a multitude, becaufe they ufually go by multitudes l'rcttíefacere: (Troy. 3o. 27.) The Loctegs havens King,_yet go they forth all Jun. Pifc. of them by bands ; they go, as it were, anArmy of them toge- Lecuffæfune ther. TheLatine word Loculta, is.froman ill eifeEt of Locults f °ga('i1Thn or Grafhoppers, becaufe they conflate, and in a manner, burn facilecg adle- up every green thing in the places where they come. Hence that vet atiquera allufve prohibition (Rev. 9. q..) There cams east of the fmoal¿ßrepitum ant Locufis; audit was commanded them that they fhould not hart the motumaufu- grat of the earth, neither any green thing, neither anyTree, &c. grunt Sanët. Now, though the Scripture compares thefe creatures to great ïZtLocu- P 5 fla,quæ moo Army (Joel2. 25.) becaufe they go out in great companies, and matritudine do agreat deal of mi chief : And though (Rev.9,7.) The"leaps volitat. of the Locufts.(there fpoken of) veere like unto borfes prepared unto LarinisGocu- battei, that is, compleatly armed ; yet the Loculls are but a weak f}ævidonrar kind of V( arrïers they are quickly feared the are fearful crea- tures. Y q Y + Y tot urani, nani Canfl thou wake the Horfe afraid like the Grafhapper? legaresmcrfu When the Lord faith, Canf thou make himafraid like the Graf- erodunt s- hopper, his meaning is,. The Horfe isof fo flout a fpirit," that he lia adurant will not only ot be afraid like the Gra(ho aer but no more a- Rivet. Y pr, Locußææquî frail than a Lion. So then, I conclude this part of the verfe con- cara1hLatìifpc. rainsnot a fimilitude, but a diffimilitude between the boric and clam bahenr,. the Gt rafhopper ; not a likenefs between the horfe and the Graf-- hopper in nimbienefs,- but their unlikenefs in fearfulnefs. Cant#, thosemake him a/iifraiel ? Theword notes filth fear as is caufed b an Earth-quake, Ifa. te timore Y f (/g terra coo. 13.13. turn indicst,.