Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

438 Chap. 39. an Expoftion upon the Book, of J o B. Verf.zo, 13. 13.jocl 2.1o.Pfai;1o9.23.Nah.3.17. As importing,that though the horfe fhould hear acrafhing or rufhing found,lìke that of anEarthquake,when the grounduntrer usopens and fhakes,yet he is not moved nor quakes, as Mr.Brougbton renders. The borie is rather enraged,than feared like aGrafhopper, by any note ; His fpirit is rather whetted and inflamed, than cowed (as we fay) and cooled by the flrongefl alarms; as will further appear in the Tatter part of this defcription. Horfes are obferved fometimes (as altomen) quakingbefore a battei , yer not for fear, but with indignation. Ca l thou make him afraid ? &c. Hencenote, Firfl ; The Hole is a valiant andflout-hearted creature. Not to fear, is a fign of valour; but not to be made afraid, is much more a fign of it than not to fear. When any one bath fuch a fpirir, that he doth not only fear, but cannot be made a fraid , there's.courage to the height Such is the courageof the horfe, nothingcan make him afraid. Obferve, Secondly ; The courage, as well as the flrength of the Rorie, isfrom God. gAs every creature is not flrong, fo not couragious. Some are very fearful, fo fearful, that they are grown intea Proverb for fearfulnefs: Such are Hares and Harts, and the Mich before fpoken of. Nor bathevery horfecourage and boldnefs. Horfes given to fiarr, are fearful. God puts fuch courage into forte hor- fes, that nothing canmake themHart or fear°. Courage is a gift of God beflowed upon fomemen, and not upon others ; fome are couragious as Lions,and others are fearful as Hares and Harts, or Gra4.oppers. We cannot keep fome from fear we cannot make others afraid. C,tnfl thou malt, him afraid, as the Graf- hopper ? Note, Thirdly ; ,'here godgives courage, it is not in man to make afraid. The courage of the horfe appears yet higher:in the next verle. Theglory of bù nofirils is terrible. The nofïrils are very confiderable in horfes, and the largenefs or