440 Chap. 39. an .Expofitïon upon the Boob, of J o B. Verf. 2o. enflamed with wrath and anger. 7 heglory of his nofirils is ter- rible, Secondly, Reading the words thus' (as was Paid) The glory of bis noflrils is terror ; they may be expounded, not as implying the terror and fright which the horfe 'f rikes others with, but which others would fright the horfes with, while they l4ettum good brandi(h their fwords, fhake their (pears, found their crumpets ; tflaliisad from all which terror, the horfe is lo far from running, that 'ra- terrorem, nari. ther his courage is encreafed, and his fpiric heated. Such noires, bus ab equo cla(hings and clamours, will not fcare the horfe, as they do the p®reoptum, ef# Grafhopper ; but the terror or matter of fear which is prefented eiad gloriani, before hiim, is the glory of his notlrilo, that is, it will but pro- , á. e. ad quart- voke him to anger and rage, orexcite his courage, which makes damanimi ñ a raagoitudinem. his nofirils fmoak like fire,it cannot at all put him into a fear, and / quin, that'shisglory. Hence note, Firfl ; That which any creature excels in, is his glory. The horfeglorieth in his arength;the courage & flercenefs of the horfe, appearing in his notm ils, are his glory alfo.Whacever good man excels in,is his glory:if he excels in knowledg,or in farength, or courage or in holinefs, it is his glory;yea, men who excel in e- vil, count that their glor, (Ph 1.3. t g.) That which Godexcels in, is his glory,; what is that ? He (bleifed be his name) excels in pardoning our lins, in covering our iniquities , and there- fore, It is the glory of God to conceal a thing (faith Solomon,Prov. 25.2.) that is, fin, by pardoning ir. Kings mull fearch out the matter, but it is the glory of God to conceal a thing. That which any creature excels in, is his glory ; that which theScrip- turesdeclare God to excel in, is hìs,glory, and that is moftly his pardoning mercy. Note, Secondly ; Thegreatcfi glory which.fame creatures have, is to h terrible to 'others. Toput others in fear, is all their glory, all that they glory in ; their glory is not to fave and to deliver, to comfort and to do good to others, but to vex and cò terrific. to From thefecond interpretation, take this Note. That