Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chapa 39. dinExtpofitionupon the Bookof J on. Verf.zt. 44' That which is very terrible to fame, is a glory toothers. That is, It oecafons them tofhew theirglory, or caufeth their glory toappear the more. Terror is the glory of the horfe ; his no- !Arils arenever fo glorious, as when you attempt to terrific him. When that which is terrible is put to a true believer, then the gloryof his foulbreaks out, then he Chews forthhis faith in God, his integrity and faithfulnefs towards God ; terror is the glory of his foul, as terror is the glory of the horfe, that is, it gives him occafion to thew forth his glory. Verf. ? r. He paweth in the valley, and rejoyceth in his ftrength ; he goeth on tomeet the armed men, There words give a further proof of the courage of the borie, or a fign of is ; for 'tis the propertyof the higheil meral'd and bell fpirited holies to do fo, as impatient of a checkby the brio dle, and defirous rather to be fpurred upon an engagement with the enemy in battei. He paweth ¡n the valley. Why in the valley ? becaufe there barrels, efpecialíy boric battels, uCed to be fought, rather than upon hills or uneven grounds., There isanother reading of the verfe ; for the word tranila- Terrain ùilguFß ted topaiv,figniles an to dig. Hence forne give it thus ; Hedig- fodtr Vulg. geth in the valley. Thepawingof a horfe, is a kind of digging ; _.cavaiq;i for he hollows the earth, and makes a cavity in it by pawing. A tetturem. Virg. mettl'd horfe cannot keep his feet, but will be traverfing his 3,Georg. ground, and pawing with his feet, as vext at any delay or flop of 1\18( °s oßei° the battel ; he cannot endure tobe curb'd by the bit, having naifiarldiutas filch a mind (as was toucht before) tobe upon the fpur, in a full terram,crebra carreer againft the enemy. Of fuch pranfings, or (as the Margin fait, virtufq; bath it) tramplings or plunging; of the horfe, Deborah fpake in artusanimofa her triumphant long (Judg. y. az.) Hepaweth in the valley. fatigue.; Hencenote; what we wouldfain have, orbe at, we are very unquiet, and think long till we areat it. This we may take in a fpiritual fenfe ; A. foul which hath a L l l mind