Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap. 39. an Expofstionupon theBook,ofJ o s. Verf. a t becauCe hence is comes to pafs, that the horfe rulheth fo fiercely and fearlefly into the battei, which is thegreat (cope of the whole defcription given of him in this context. He rejoyceth in his ftrcngth. Hencenote, Firf?; They that bave muchftrengtb for any work, orfervice, are joy- ful toga on to it. David (Pfal. 19. S.) compares the Sun to affrong man, that rejoyceth torten a race. A wrong man is not afraid of,nor troubled at the race, but rejoyceth exceedingly in it. Secondly, Note ;. what we bavemuch of,er excel in, we are apt to rejoyce in, The bode bath much ffrength, and he rejoyceth in it, Tnis appears inall things ; If we have much riches, how apt are we to rejoyce in them ! If we have much wifdom,or underf1andin;, or parts, bow apt arc we to rejoyce in them ! and therefore the Lord gives us that caveat (Ter.9. 23.) Let not the wife man glory in his reifdom (as if he had Paid, If a man have a great deal of wiCdom, or but a little more than his neighbour, he will be glorying in it, as the horfe in hisarength) and let not the mighty man gloryin his might, nor the rich man glory in his richer. All thereflops upon glorying, thew, that what we havemuch of, we are apt to glory to. Note, Thirdly; To rejoyce in any ftrength, or in any thing but in God and his favour, or as we enjoy Cfod in any thing, is bruie fh, 'ris to rejoyce as the horfe. They only rejoyce as Chrifaians,who rejoyce in their lrength, and in their riches, and in their graces, as they fini God in them, and as they flow fromGod. TheGofpel wayof rejoycing, is to rejoyce in the Lord, not in our graces, not in our wtfdom, not in our righteoufnefs, but in the Lord. The horfe rejoyceth in hir ftrengeh, Hegoeth on tomeet the armedmen. 443 tp ] .4riga The Hebrew is, He greah on to meet theArnssyr, or rather ,J^rg cot/e$ L 1 I 2 Arms ; Froprt d,