Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

444 . Chap. 39.. an Expo(ition upon the Book of , o E. Vert 2g ague ea, pi- 4rmes ; that is, offfenfive weapons, pikes and fpears, which gall bus adorimur, horfes,rather thandefenfive,fuch as fhields,bucklers,and helmets) congredi- which only prefervemen from hurt &wounds; or we maytake it in mur both, and fo the meaning is, the armedmen, He goethon to meet Pv3 e(l Gyre- them.; he needs not be beaten,. nor whipt, nor fpurredonto the cè Seracv omwe battei. The couragious home goes on, he retreats not, he retires tell armo- not, he is a volunteer in the War, he is refl by nothing but the rum genus. p Y a Mere. noblenefs and,height of his own fpirir , he goes to meet the l-lincpt n of armed men ; though they meet him with deadly arms,with fword cularifalutare, and fpear, yet he goes to meet them. The word which we teas pod foluranrea flare,armedmen, properly fignifies to kits, or toMute, becaufc ærqud ocuvæna. they who come to batted, do as it were, joyn hands and fal'tte one rant intncem: another, though very courfely, rudely, and roughly. He goeth on Codutcn to meet the armedmen. Hence obferve ; Thefence o f ability, mush snore confidence inability, putson toaaivity. The harle rejoyceth in his firength, he is fenfible of, or finds his ílrength forthe war, and therefore he putson, Secondly, Note;; whatever any man batha mindor;a delight to do, that he will go on in, or isfree to do. The Norte goes on to meet the armed men,.. he Both not (land ro receive a charge, but he leeks it. What any haven great mind to, that they are very forward in ; you need not prefs a volun- veer,., nor fpur a free, a valiant borie on to the batted, you can hardly holdhim inwith bit &bridle.`Tis fo in any fervice;where there is a heart let to it, with a love td it, 'O"howdo we go forth ro it ? weneed not tobe haled nor driven to it. So in fpiriruals, aheart of that temper,. anfwers every call (Pfal. 27. 8.) when ;bolafaide, leek, myface ; myheart fait' unto thee, thy faceLord will Pfeek. He prefently anfwers the Lords'callto any duty, who bath a heartfor it. What zeal., what freedotit,,what forwardnefs have we, to that wehave a will and a mind, to ! An up-hill warn is all.down hill to a willingmind.. JOB,