Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap. 39. AnExpofition upon the Book,of J O B. Verf. 22. 445 J O B, Chap. 39. Verf. 22,23, 24, 25. 22. Hemocketh at fear, and is not afraid, neither turneth he back from the fword. 23. The quiver ratleth againi him, the glittering fpear and thefield. 24. He fwalloweth the ground with faercenefs and rage,neitherbelieveth he that it is thefoundof the trumpet. 25. He cries among the trumpets,, Ha, ha, and he fmelleth the battei afar of5 the thunder of the Captains and thepouting:. IHefe four verfes continue and compleat the defcription o' the goodly valiant \Var-horfe, in his fecond qualification of boldnefs and courage , of which this Text gives as many proofs as can be imagined or expeaed.. Verf. 22. He mrcketh at fear. And what greater argument of valour than that ? Fear, the ab- Sperntt Lira& is here put for the concrete ; he laughs at fear, that is, at ß mpó; fun rhofe things which are mots co be feared, or which carry the Vatat 1. greatei command of fear in them. Ir is ufual in Scripture, to conrernnit om exprefs things greatly to be feared, by fear. M things greatly nia ansendo 0 ly hoped fot'are called our hope, and things rejoyced ingreatly popeia e q a are called our joy, fo things greatly to be feared are called our tribuitur ex- fear; and in that fence, above all, God is called the fear sf his perti rationis people ; he is fomuch the ohje& of fear, that the Scripture calls animali,quotl himfear. facob in his treating and contra& with his uncle La- bominis pr®- ban (Gen. 3 s . 53.) .Sware by thefear of his father I fuse, that is, pidiere ofn. ° he fware by God, who alone bath this high honour tobe fwórnby in a facred way. Tofwear, is a great part of divine werfhip, and is foretime put for thewhole of worthip. Jacob [wareby the fear of Ifaac, that is, by God, who his fachér lfaac feared, and in whore fear he walked all his dayes. Thus fpake the Prophet (Ifa. 8, 12, 3,) Sanaife the Lord of M.A. wybosr hearts, and let brm 6s