Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap, 39. AnExpofition upon the Bookof 3 o a. VerL2z, L47 Note, Secondly ; That which is not feared, is ufually derided. It is fo with beafts, and it is fo with men ; and what more ufual with force men, than to mock molt at those things which they fhould be moll afraid of. As there is a noblenefs of courage in comemen, which makes a mock of fear ; fo betides that, there is, abafenefs cf fpirir, a ftupidnefs in other men, that make a mock at fear. Suchwas the fpidt of Lots Sons-in-law (Gen. t 9. rq., ) who when Lot reported to them, the molt dreadful thing that ever was in the world, a Charter of fireand brimftone, ready to fall down from heaven, upon the whole City to confume ir, He was to them as one that mocked ; the meaning is, his Sons- in-law mocked at what he repo:ted,they laugh'd at his admonition. Such akind of mocking at fear, we read in chore hardned and debauch- ed fpirits among the ten Tribes, when that good King Pent and admonifhed themw return to the Erne worfhip of God, and laid before them thofe dreadful judgments that would Curtlyovertake them if they did not (z Chro1. 30. i o.) They laughed to (corn themeffengers,andmockt them : As if they had laid, What do you tell tee of the wrath of ÿod,and of his judgments,tfwe perfift in our way and courfe ; we fcorn your admonition, we regard not your threatnings. The character given of that people( 2 Chron. 36. 16.. ) when wrath was breaking out upon them without remedy, was this, They mockt the meffengers of God, anddefpifedhis words. To fuch mockers at fear, I might takeoccafion to fay, as the Pro- phet in alike cafe (Ifa. 28.22.) Be ye not mockers, leafi your bands bemade firong. There are force fears that it is our honour to mock at; but there are other fears that will be our fhame and ruin tomock at : Of all fuch, that will be true which the Lord fpake by wifdom (`Prow. t, 26.) I will mock when their fear cometh. They who mock when fear, that is when fearful things arethreatn'd in the name of the Lord ; the Lord will mock at their fear when fearful evils fall upon them. Sinners will have little mind to mock, at loft. Such mockers at fear are prophefied of, before the coming of Chrilt , in thofeoEpiftles which are of a near complexion and conftitution ( 2 pet. 3.4. )Know- ill this firft, that there foall come in the left days (mockers, or) feoffers, walking after thtirown lufle, laying, where is the promif¿ of