Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap, 39, an Expoftion upon the Book of Jo B. Verf. 23. never feareth, nor flyeth, nor hafteth away in the fight of any ; but thoughiopprefhed with the multitude or number of his pur fuers, he makes his retreat foftly and gradually, or by leverai flands,to fee who daresengage him, as was (hewed before at the 38th Chapter (ver. 39,4o. ) Thus the valiant horfe behaves himlelf at the appearance and face of the fword ; he doth not only not turn quite away from the fword, but dothnot fomuch, as turnhis eyes from ir, but looks it full in the face, though it (hew- eth a dreadful and bloody face. God, who hash made the horfe for the fervice of man inwar, hath given him a fpirit finable, he is not afraid of the fword, not of anyother weapon of war, as will further appear fromthe next verfe, when from there words, I have briefly Noted, Firfl ; The face or appearance of the fword is terrible. The fword is one of the more terrible things, which the Lord at any time threatneth againfl afinful people the face of the fword makes many mens .faces gather palenefs, and puts a palfie into their hands. Note, Secondly ; ;here there is truecourage, not only dangers afar off', but dam, gers at band are not turned from. It is laid (Pfal.78.8.) that, the cfildren of Ephraim being armed, and carrying botos ( they had both offenfive and defenfive weapons, yet ) earned back in the day of battle. They marcht on poffibly a great while very valiantly, as well as any in the army, and poflìbly made great boafls what they woulddo ; but when ir came to the day of battle, when they law the face of the fword, then faith the Text, they turned back, A man of right mettal turns not back, his courage fails not, no not at prefent danger ; and that's ir which we are to confider our felves in, as to our fpiritual courage,tc is an eafiematter to flight dangerswhen rheyare unfeen and only talked of ; but when it comes to the day of battle,when fwords are drawn, and you fee their terrible faces,rhen not to turn back, that'scourage indeed. And fowe may underhand the words of the Apofile f lleb, to. 38.) where he brings in the Lord (peaking thus ; 1f any man draw back, my foal :(Fall have '10 Mmm alta- 4-19