Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

chap. 39. an Expofttion open the Book of J 0 B. Verf. 23. 45 t contribute the leaf} line or fhadow ; but the mention of thofe ratlingarmes or of the riding of chofearmes, which the adverfe party bear and brandifla againf't him, tends to anotable demon- lirationof hiscourage. ' Tis a great evidence of a horfes bold- nefs, to rufh upon or charge an enemy, whole acmes rade againft him, and who holds out weapons purpofely fitted to wound, kill, and flayall that come near him. So that, what is faid (ver. 21. ) hle goeth on to meet the armed men ; and (ver. 22. ) He mock. etb at fear, neither turnetb beback from the !word, is here fur- ther illuftrated and heightned,by recounting feveral other deadly weapons of which the horfe is as dteadlefs. When the horfe moves much,che quiverroles, fo alfo do both (pearsand fhields ( as it followech in the Text.) The glittering !pear and the Jhicld. Well furbifht fpears and fhields glitter,or (as the Hebrew bath it)flame.The heads & points of fpears being burnifhed &bright- end,fcem like burning fire or flames ; yet the horfe is not moved by them. We read of a flawing !word ina higher fence (Gen. 3. 24. ) as here of flaming (pears and f}aields. Now as the clafli- ing and ratling of armes, fo the brightnefs of them is terrible; but neither the one nor the other, neither the ridingquiver, nor the glittering fpear and Shield trouble the couragious horfe. Mr. PP. Broughton tranflates,not fhield but, javelin, which is an offenfve lances redítu6 . or miffive weapon ; the word is rendred (pear (f o fh. 8. 18. a Sam. 174 q. ) as alto at the 29thverfe of the 41 th Chapter of this Book. Thefe things laid together bring in, or make up a fuller proof of the horfes courage; the quiver ratlech againff him, the fpear and fhield rade too, yet'he is not difcouraged. Hence Note, Firfl ; The confujed noife of weapons in war, wounds the ear and the heart, or the heart at the ear,as well at the fharpnefs of their point or edge wounds the flefh, It is matter of amazement ro hear the founding, the rattling, the clafhing of armes, and other dreadful noiCes that the field is filled with in a day of battle (Ifa, 9,5. ) Every battle of the warrior is with co jt-sfed noife ; and 'tis much chit the confu6ors of the noife, doth'not make a confufionin the fpirits o= there'rhat are ingag'd ;t. battle. Mm m z __,