4 2 Chap. 39. anBxpoftion upon the Book of Jos, Verf. s;: Note, Secondly ; .Not to be terrified with noires and dreadful founds, (hews firecgth and flout-nets of fpirit. It is a piece of valour in the horfe, not to be troubled with or at the ratling of thequiver. The Lord to (hew that he would totally take away the fpirit of courage from his own people for their fus(who had been fovaliant to finagainfl him,andrvould run upon fin,notwichftanding the ratling of his quiver,his chreatuings,, denounced againfi them)telleth them (Levit.26.36.) !will carry youlinto the land of your enemies. What then ? And (faith he) HP- on them that are left alive of you, l will fend a faintnefs into their hearts, in the land of their enemies, and the found of a fhaken leaf (hall chafe them. Now as it (hews an extream cowardize and faintnefs of fpirir, to (hake and run at the fhaking of a leaf ; fo no eland firm, to keep our ground and not be moved, when there is fuch a noire (and clattering, as even (hakes the earth, and confounds all the elements (as it were) this (hews a mighty courage. Verf. 24. He fwallownth the ground with lercenefs and rage, &c. Jorbotttee- Still the expreflions rife higher and hi,, her, the cour of the iotii tic vo- horfe tram-ports him fo far, that he even fwalloweth theground. 'areviara, va We fay of force hard and great fludents,they [wallow up books, rare¿item. they make no bones of great books. So here, toPhew the migh- Druuon^sf3- ty courage and nercenefs of the horfe, he is reprefenred, as if rout , he would eat spar fwallow the very ground he treads on. Yet many Expofitors are not fatisfied, that the Hebrew word here ufed ) fhould lac rendred to fr'allow ; and therefore they tranflate, Hedig' the earth with fiercenefs and rage ; and expound it of his nicking holes in the ground, by pawing in the valley fpoken of verte zi. Mailer Broughton gives it thus; y;th fhaking and furring he beateth upon the earth r TheChaldee kit ovoaea' tparaphrafe faith, He makes a hole in the earth. The authority 1: term. of the Chalice( faithBootises) gives credit to thisexpofition and ?Ah Fodit, ftrengthens it ; becaufe it (hews, that the word in the Syriack tangue ( many of which are ufed in this book wf Jab } may sve11 1igeifte to dig or make a hole, feeing from:this Verbe a Noune