4 . Chip. 39. an Expofttion upon the Bookof ] o B. Werf.24' flrated by manyancient teflimonies concerning the fiercenefs and fwiftnefs of the horfe, which theReader may confult ifhe pleafes e fwallawath thegroundwithfierceneft aid rage. Hencenote ; Pnffrong andoutragious paons, we thinkwe can do impo- bilittu, Even eat up the earth, and (wallow the ground. Neither believetb be it is the found of the trumpet. dvarbo an;!t Beaf}s have fome kind of faith ; they do fomewhat which traders aut,/i. looks like believing. The Original word fignifieth the proper deleaie/% work of faith. But how can the horfe be laid, either to believe, or not to be- lieve ? I (hall give two interpretations of the words, in anfwer to this queflion. Firfl, thus : He believes not that it it thefoundof the Trumpet ; that is, whereas it might be thought, that the found of the trum- pet fhou.ld terrific him, he regards it no more than a man doth that which he dochnot believe, he cares not for it, he is not at all troubled at it. Thus our old Englifh Tranflation bath it; He regardetb not the not fe ofthe trumpets. Secondly, thus : Hebelieves not that it is thefound of the trum- pet ; that is, he bath fo great a mind to the battei, that when the trumpet founds indeed to the battei, he doubts it is not fo, 'cis too good news tobe true ; he fcarce believes his own ears ; or, bedefireth thebattei fo much, that he believes the fignal of it very little, and fears it is not fo, but Tome falfe alarm. This is agood and probable interpretation, it being ufual among men (fromwhom inproportion to beafis, efpecially to gallant bodes, this affectionmay be transferred) hardlyat firfl to believe or give credit to thofe things which they extreamlydelire and wifh,yea, long for. In this fcnfe it may well be raid of the Horfe, lie be- lieves not that it is the foundof the trumpet. Hence note; That which is much degred, i.tin fame cafes hardly believed. Pv laid, to eafily believe that whichwe would or de- j , p r fometimes we hardly believe that which we would