4 6 Chap, 39. Expofation upon the Book, of J o B. Verf. 24.' joyce (in their kind)at ir, as is Paid exprefly in the next verfe ; yet it cannot be conveniently Paid, that he bath fogreat a joy as to produce this dif-belief : For fo to rejoyce, as to be in a manner overcome with joy,& not to give credit co our eyes and ears,ne- ver happens,butas in extreamly great and extraordinary joys,fo in unaccuftomcd and unexpe&ed joys, which furely cannot well be affirmed of that joy which horfes are taken with at the found of a trumpet, fignalizing a battel to enfue. And therefore ( becaufe it avoi is this difficulty ) i;; (hall rather adhere to them , who render the words thus , Nei- &oq;con, fit ther loth he fland flip (or, keep his ground) when the tram-. ,anus, cumfo- pet foundth, So Mr. Broughton renders exprefly ; Nei_ nustutroedi ther"lands he fill when the found of the trumpet to heard. This surd aim interpretation faits bell with the (cope of the place; nor cloth the force of the Hebrew Verb oppofe ite for the Adje&ive, which comes from the Participle of it, is often ufed to lignifie firm, liable, lure, durable ; yea, and the Verb it Pelf is often ta- ken in that fenfe (Pfal. 7g. 37,) They were not Redfal, or flood not fail in his covenant. So (Deut. 28, 59.) the Lord threatned Plagues of long continuance, that is, "landing Plagues, or fuch as fhould hold long, and not air from the place. Thus al- fo it is Paid (Erod. 17, 12.) The bands of Mofes were Ready until the goingdown of the Sun. The fame word cloth elegantly lignifie, both to believeand to be Ready, or hand fail ; feeing it is faith or believing in God , which alone makes us Ready or Rand fail, in all occafions or temptations to the contrary; and therefore in this place we may moil conveniently render, Re flandetb not firm, he Rands not fill, or keeps not his place at the found of the trumpet, but is unquiet and in motion, as having an ardent delire to be in thebarrel, as loon as ever he hears the ."rare loco ne trumpet found. One of theancient Poets expre(eth this qutli- fir.virg. ty of a valiant borie, almoi in the fame words, and altogether to the fame fenfe ; He knows not bow to keepbis place ; or, he cannot (as we fey) for his heart,Rand "fill. So that as the eagernefs of the borie for the battei, even before the fignal given, is fet forth in thofe words (verf. 21.) He paweth in the valley ; and in the former part of this verfe, where 'ris laid, He /wallowed, the round withfiercenefs and rage ; fo the fame height of_fpirit after :be fgnal given, is further exprefled in thefe words, thus tranfla- term