4ßg Chap, 3=9, An Expofition upon the Bookpf Jo R. Verr.25, (fill, but is impatient of every moments delay, when he hears the trumpetfound, becaufe he is not only not atfoniihed at ir, but re-- j:)yceth, wifhing for nothing more than the battei, of which-he knows the founding ofthe trumpet to be a liignal. He faith among the trumpets, Ha, ha. Some, render thele words, not barely as we, among the trum- neti -tZ pets, but thus ; At the fullfoundof the trumpet; or, when the trum- i, e. ao pet bath founded long and cientl then hefaith, Ha ha, Read- gar validosin- ing the wordsthus, we may connee°t themwich the latter part of tenditur: voce the former verfe, Neither believeth he that itis thefound of the 112c°111" trumpet ; that is, when the trumpet begins to found, he doubts prtpofttians whethertt be to, the battei or no but when the trumpet founds Seth partá :. cula?`i gins long, when the fufficiency of the trumpet founds, or when it non eft tantum founds ftAciently, fo that it manifetfly appears the buret is nigh, adleHtia p"g or at hand, then he faith, Ha, ha, ñonica a That the word de in Bede is fignificaeive, .. and imports fuffici_ toant fgnficat. tarty, is the opinion of many interpreters, and that it is of the Codurc. fame fenfe in this Text, as in that (Ifa. 4.o, 16.) Lebanon ïe not . fuftcient toburn,nor the beafts thereoffufacient for a burnt-offering, Thus here, at the fufjiciéney of the trumpet, that is, when the trumpet founds fuffictent-ly, abundantly, or clearly ; or (as our old Engiiihtranfhtion bath it) when the trumpets make maß noife, he- faith, ha, ha, There are others of note, who judge that ('`t)de is only a fyllabical addition of no fignification,. or adding nothing to the 4dtube Toni- prepofition (.) Be; and fo render the words only thus : At atizum.Txetta, Enrer bursànas, the found of the trumpet ; or as we, Among the trumpets, hefaith, Fag, ha, ha,_ And that ('`I ) De, is only expletive, not fignificative,.. and fo that word ( ) Bede is no more than the Prepofition (2) Be, put alone , fome would confirm by other Texts of Scripture,., where it is conceived to be fo ufed(Hab.2.a 3.) Behold, is itnot- e' the Lord that thepeople/hall labour (v T) in the fire; and ænold:Bcor",the people [hall- weary themfelve.e(pri vtn) for vanity? There: Animad.Sac.` words are found alfo (Pr. 51. 58.) in both which (faith a learn- 4, 3, c. ii, red Author) that ('-t) Decannot ftgnifie fujftciency, both the fenfe of the place (hews, and almof+ all interpreters agree. And this alío may be further confirmed by a like ufe of the fame word, as iris put after' judg. 6, g, and after CIfa,65.i 3. The Learned Reader