Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap. 39. an Expofitionupon the BokofJo B. Verf. 2 5 . Reader confulting the original, will ea61y obferve (faith he) that inboth chofe places bath no fpecial lignification. Yet doubtlefs (confidering that not one Iota or tittle in the Scripture is in vain) that additional word bath its ufe, and pollibly is ofmore ufe than any have as yet well underftood. For though it be granted, as Rabbi David faith inhis Di&iohary, that "I in all chofe places is paragogical ; yet Paragoges may have more in them, than meetly the ornament of fpeech. Our Tranflators in- timate as much (Hab. z. r 3.) where they do not render barely, in the fire, and for vanity, but in the very fire, andfor very vanity. And therefore (with thegood leave of that learned Author) I apprehend (with the Rabbin, whom he quotes, but likes not for this opinion) that in all places where thisword is ufed, it bath a fpecial force, declaring the greatnefs and continuance of the thing fpoken of. And fo in this place, we may take the mean- ing thus : As the generoushorfe is alwayes forward for the bat- tel, fo when the trumpet begins to found ; but when the trumpet foundeth long (as the Lord fpake to (Mores at the givingof the Law, Exod. 19. s 3.) then the borie (being fully allured that the 'battel will fuddenly begin) is mightily affeoîed with a kind of joy, which he expretfeth as well and as fully as he can in his lan- guage, laying, Ha, ha, now 'cis as Iwould have it. That this InterjeCtion, ha,.ha, imports joy and exultation, all Emittitextitia. agree ; and it may note, not only that inward joy with which the tionis vocem. borie isafleeted at the found of the trumpet, but allo that our- Aquin. ward expref icon which he makes of it by neighing, which may t 8ñá pásta not improperly becalled his ha, ha ; the found which we hear in Scutt. theair, when a horfe neigheth, fymbolizing much with this In- Ad lituos hila terjeCtion, ha, ha, fpoken by a man. And all men know (who rem intrepi- knoivany thingof the qualities or cufiotns of gallant horfes) that du qicábarum it isdual with them toneighwhen they are much pleafed, and are upona veer attainment of their defire, or the injoyment of statius 1. as, ''. their pleafures. Comparing the latter part of the formerverle, Theb. according tothe Second expofition of our Translation, with this, ()Verve ; Afurance of what we` would have, breeds extreiitn joy and triutnpb in his fpirit that wouldhave it. When the boric finds it is the battel indeed, then he rejoyceth N nn 2 greatly 459