460 Chap. 39.. An Expoftion upon the Book of J o st. Verf. 2 5, flàorari, Odfa- ma. greatly. Men often break out into fuch exclamations, when ha- ving been longdoubtful of a thing,and fearful how it might iffue, they at tall fee:its itffue anfwering che utmoil of their wi(hesani _ expe&ations (Pfal, 4o. 15. ) Let them (faith David) be deso- late for a reward of their theme, that fay, 14h, ha, Ah, ha; that is, let them be rewardedwith defolation, for their shameful do- ings, in laying, Ah, ha, Ah, ha, because they fee me caf'c down. To fay, Ah, ha, atwhat is done, is asmuch asto fay, it pleafeth us well, it gives us high content. Thus alto they cryed out (Pfal. 35, z.r.) Ah, ha, our eyes have feen it. As the vilon we (hall have inheaven, is faith perfe &ed in the highe(1; atiurance imagi- nable ; fo in any cafe in this world, what of our delires our eyes fee, we take high content in. It is comfortable when we have tome hope of what wedelire; but when we once fee ir, then, we cry Ah, bet, if what our eyes lee, be to us as theirs was to them in the fame Pfalm, where theyareagain brought in laying, Ah, ba,_ fo would we have it (ver. zs.) now it is as it should be ; we have been looking for fuch a day a long time, but now it is come ;; Ah,ha, Ah, ha,. So wouldwe have it. And confider it either in natural or fpiritual things ; there is a time as to,fpiritual things,, when we do not believe the silver trumpet of the Gofpel founds mercy to us, that fin is pardoned, that God, is gracious; but when once there is a convincing fufhciency of the trumpets found, when once our unbelief is fully overcome, and our hearts wound up to affurance, then the foul is in its triumph, and cryes out (as the',horfe,when he perceives the defired battel approach- eth) h, ha, Ah, ha. This content of the horfe appears yet further in the next words: Hesmells the battel afar off; the thunder of the Captains, and the shouting. Thefe words hold out another matter, which doth much let forth and commend the honour of the horfe, and his delire of the combat; Hefinds the batter. To be in battel pleafeth him fo well,, that the fmell of it is to him a delightful and pleasant odour. The very flink of a Camp (as the Prophet calls ir, Amos 4. its.) is a fweet perfume to his noflrils. Hefinellr abatted, He finelletb thebattel afar off. The Hebrew word fignifieth properly to finell, or take the . fcent of any thing. And.almott all interpreters, ancient and mo- derna..