Chap.39. s/:o Expofition upon the Book of J o B. Verf.25, 461 derv, retain that fignifiçation here ; yet Tome there are who take fineliing, in this place metaphorically, for perceiving, fore-ap- prehending,or prefaging. For the Hebron, ( as fome very well Sentitane skilled in that language alfure us) having no word which anfwers prafentifcit. the Greek, and Latine words ( noted in themargin) fignifying to ,Aìvt perceive and feel, maketh u e of this word in the Text for thofe Benicia. purpofes. Thus 'cis faid (Judg. 16. 9.) Yhen it ( that is, the tbreed ) toucheth ( or as our old tranflation bath ir, feeleth ) the fire. So (Ifa. r t. 3. ) Ile (that is, Chrifi the rM'Iff ) fkall be goaick of underflanding in the fear of the Lord. The Hebrew is, He (hall fmell or be goick-fcented in thefear of the Lord. His very fenfes (hall be, as it were, touchc with or dips in the fear of the Lord , that is , he (hall religioufly fenfe or judge all things. The fear of the Lord (hall be the rule or guide of all his fenfes; as it follows in that verfe, Ile (hall not judge after the fight of his eyes, neither reprove after the hearing of his ears, that is, according to outward appearances and reports. Thus we may take the word in this paffage-; the horfe frnellerh, that is, he perceiveth or apprehendeth the bactel. Naturali(is report won- Ë°ræfagiunt ders about the underflanding of the horfes, and his fagacioufnefs punam. 1?lirt9 in fore- feeing or prefaging battels : And this he doth, faith the 1.8. c.4z. Text, Afar of. Our tranflirion (with moll others) take the Hebrew word as 71rm:, an Adverb of place ; yet forne conclude it to be an Adverbof time. So'tis ufed (Ita.2S, t .)where the Prophet befpeaks the Lord thus ; Thy counfels of old (that is, thofe counfels which ! thou, O Lord, haft had a long time ago, or long before time) are faithfoelnefs and truth. We alfo render the word, by long ago (I King 19.25. ) But it may be obje&ed,Though the word in thofe places notes time, yet it cannot do fo in this place of fob ; for in thofe pla- ces alleadged, it lignifies a vai1 fpace of time before, whereas here in Job, if it denotes time,it is but a very (hors fpace oftime,' no more than the fpace of time, between giving the lignai of a baudby found of trumpet and the jolting of the battei. To this, the anfwer is ; That :his Hebrew word may be applied to afhort fpace of rime, as well as to a long one, feting both the