Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

462 Chap. 39. cAn Expofition opon the Bookof o a. Verf. zs Banat Olim. Greekand Latine words (let in the Margin) of the fame fignifica- tion, are ufed to note lometimes a very long, and fometimes but a fhort (pace of time. Now according to this fence of the word, this latter claufe of the verle is thus tranflated ; Hefnclleth, or, perceiveth the bat- tel is veer at hand, or will fhortly bee Which gives a very fair meaningof the Text, if thatword, which all grant fignifies time as well as place, doth alto lignifie a fhorc, as well as a long fpace of time ;for then the verte runs clearly thus,Ar thefull found of the tramper, hefaith, ITa, ha, frnelling (or perceivins) that the battei is at hand. I leave this to the Readers judgement. Our own tranflation is an undoubted truth, both as to the fignification of the word, and the experiences of the thing. A Gallant horfe trained up, andaccuilomed to War, when he fees much f irring in an Army, and hears the trumpets founding, perceives a baud will be, though the armies be poilibly a good diflance of ground ,one from theother. Thus he finds the battel afar off, efpecially when he hearsthat which follows in the dole o f the verle. The thaander of the Captains and the 'hooting. This is mufick to him. Here are two ocher antecedents of a battle, which thehorfe takes notice of. First, The thunder of the Captains or Princes ; that is, of the greatCormmandersand Generals of the ñeld;who when they give out the word , they give it with a loud voice , they thun- der it out. 'fis no time to whifper when armies are ready to joyo battle , and therefore Commanders lift up their voices like trumpets, or like thunder out of the clouds, that the Soul- diets may hear them. And when Captains or Generals give ex- hortation to the Souldiers, they thunder out arguments to en- courage them, and fire their fpirits to the battle. The borie loth as is werehear this thunder; oh! it pleafes him when the military oration is made, and the Captain general gives order for the battle, ,And the pawing. What's that ? Surely., the acclamation of the whole army t Confufres+c'la. when the Captain, or Commander in chief, hath made his mili> shat eyeercnus tar Oration then ufually the Souldiers !Lout and make an ac- præparanr fe Y, y ad prælïuna, clamation, in token of, their williognefs to fight, and readinefs guin. for°