454 Chap. 39. cfin Expo/ tion upon the Book of J o B. Verf.25. Secondly, The horfe is alto the embleme of a bold Saint, or of a faithful fervant of God. Such, fpecially, were all the ho- St, Auáin% ly Martyrs; Achief among the Ancients faith exprefsly, that in the Hone the Martyr may be feen ; whom none account valiant but God himfelf, and they who are born of God. I may Paral- lel a holy Martyr and the Horfe, in every particular mentioned in this context. Fult, As the horfe is faid to receive his ftrength from God (hafï< thou given flrength to the horfe ? ) fo it was God who gave ftrength to the Martyrs, to Rand it out in the day of battle. Secondly, As God gives courage to the horfe, fo it was God that gave courage to the Martyrs ; and fah courage he bath fometimes given , as bath made poor weak women as ftrong and couragious,as the horfe in the Text : Perfecurers could rot make the old martyrs run like Grathoppers ; they have even mocked at fear, and would` not rurnback from the face of the fword drawn out againtl them ; no tarring of the quiver, nor clafhing of weapons could terrifie them ; they have not been affrighted with Lions, Bears, Tygers ready to devour them; they havenot beenaffrighted with the fiery furnace, nor with the molt exquifite torments that the wit or malice of man could in- vent. Jefus Chrirt having in(truaed the Church his Spoufe ( Cant. 1.8.) what to do, he at the 9th verre commends the Church in two things. Firfi, For her courage. Secondly, For her beauty. For her courage firft, at the 9th ver, and in that re- fpeet he compares her to a Company ofhorfes InPharaoh's chariots. But why doth he compare the Church toaCompany of horfes in Tharaohs Chariots ? I anfwer, it is well known, that the Kings of Egypt were called Pharaoh, and Egypt was very fa- mous for horfes of war ; therefore Ch:i(t makes this compari- fon, to thew, that the Church b. ing direEted to keepclore to the fhepheards tents, muff expec`i that theworld or the falfeChurch, would vex and perfecure her ; but faith Chrift, my fpoufe is like a companyof horfes in Pharaoh's chariots,that is,fhe will be as vali- ant in this war,in (landing for the truth againfi all falle do6trine & idolatrous worfhip, as the molt valiant horfes that ever were in Egypt, or in anypart of the world have been in any day of battle. Experience (weknow) bath made this good;for the true Spoufe of Chria, though poor, comtemptibleand weak, though women and even but children, though helplefs (beepand tender lambs, yet