Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap. 39. Expofition upon the Book ofJ o B. Verf.2 ç. yet in battles of fuffering for Chrift, they havebecome as mighty as the mightieft war-horCes, theyhave withftood all the powers of the world undauntedly, and made them admire their cou rage, yea, vexed and madded them with their courage. Who but the Lord could arm his people with fpiritual weapons, with power and courage, toovercome all their enemies,or to over -overcome them, as the word is (Rom. 8. 37. ) which we render, more than conquerors ; over what ? over fword, andnakednefs, and perils, and danger, and death ; we more then overcome all there ( faith the Apoflle there) though we are killed all the day long, and counted as fheep for the flaugbter, as he fpeaks at the 36th verfe. And hence the Prophet faid (Zach. ao. 3, S.) that though the Church, there called , the hole of Judah , be weak like a flock, yet the Lord makes them ets his goodly horfe in the battle. Our hie Annotators give the fenfeof the Prophet in thofe words expressly thus. Now that the Lord bath turned his favourable countenance towards his people, he bath endowed them with valour and flrength_; fo that of Cheep they are become a great war-horfe, with which the Lord will overcome and trample down his enemies ; which may in part be uwderflood of tha Maccabeees vi&ory, but moll perfe&ly of the whole Churches vi&ories over the world and the devil. This victory the Church obtains over the devil by refilling, and over the worldby fuffering. Thus far of the valiant horfe. The Lords difcourfe proceeds from this noble beafl of the earth, to thofc noble birds of the air,the Hawk and the Eagle. 465 Ooo JOB