466 Chap. 39. anExpfition upon the Book of J o s. Verf. 24. J O B, Chap. 39. Verf. 26, 27, 28, 29. 26. Doth the Hawk flie by tha wifdom, and firetch . out her wings towards the south? 27. Doth the Eagle mount up at thy command, and make her nefl onhigh ? 28. She dwelleth and abideth on the rock, upon the crag of the rock, and the firong place. 29. From thence jhe feeketh the prey, and her eyes beholdafar of. 30. Her young ones alfo fuck up blood andwhere . theflair are, there is flip. IN this context the Lord paffeth from the beafis of the earth,._ togive a further demonflration of hispower and vvifdom, ap- pering in the fowls of air ; and here we have two inflances, both' in birds of prey, The Hawk. and theEagle. fob is firfl quefiioned about the Hawk in the 26th verfe; In . which the Hawk is fet forth two ways. Firfl, Ingeneral , by her tying, Doth the. Hawk Pe by thy wifdom ? Secondly, infpecial, by the courfe of her flight and flretch forth her wings toward the South ? Secondly, job is queflióned about the Eagle, concerning which ('Queen among birds ) fix things are here exprefsl,y fet forth,, or diflinly expreffed. Fief}, Her high flying or mounting upwards, in the former part of the 77th verfe, Doth the Eagle mount upat thy com- mand ?, Secondly, Her high nefling or making her nefl on high, in the . latter part of the fame verfe;,doth the, at thy command, make her neft'on high ? Thirdly, She is here diCcribed by the choife of her abode, . dwelling or habitation ( ver. z8.) fhe.dwelleth and abidethon the rock,sn the crag of the rock,and in the flrong place. Fourthly, We have here the fharpnefs of the Eaglesappetite, and her quick endeavour co get food for the fatisfyingof it , in