Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap. 39. an Expofttion upon the Book of Joe. Verf.26. in the former part of the 29th verfe. when file is abiding upon the rock, upon the crag of the rock, and in her ftrong place, from thence (he fee{s her prey ; the is not idle there. Fifthly, She is defcribed by the fharpnefs of her fight, in the latter part of the 29th verfe, her eyes behold afar off. As if the Lord hadPaid, though the dwells thus high upon the rock,and the cragof the rock , yet this doth not hinder her in the purfuit of her prey, for her eyes beholdafar off. Sixthly and Laftly, We have here the matter, or nature of her own food and diet, together with the food of her youngones. We havehere (as I may fay ) a Bill of the Eagles fare (ver.30.) it is blood, and the gefh of the (lain, Her young ones fuck up blood; and where the Bain are, there is the : That's her chief food and diet, the flcfh and blood of the Hain. Thefe are the parti- culars which the fpirit of God layeth down in the defc, iptions, boh of the Hawk andEagle. From the whole I (hall give only this general note,`as to the Lordspurpofe in fpeaking of thefe birds of prey, theHawk and the Eagle, rather than of the Dove, or of any other fowl of a moreharmlefs nature. I fay, the Lord doth this to thew, that fee- ing his providence difpofeth of, and watcheth over thefe fowls of theair, w,hich are foable to shift for thetnfelves, and are in their ; kind fo little ufeful to man ; then fnrely he will not negle man, nor anycreature that is of neceffary ufe to man. Verf. 26. Doth the Hawk, flic by thywi fdom r The word rendred Hawk comes from a root which lignifies a feather or plume of feathers ; becaufe, feathers are the inftru- ments by which the Hawk flyeth. The fame word lignifies alto to fly ; the Hawk being a fowl of fuch an excellent flight, may well be expreft by a word which properly lignifies flying, The Hawk is numbred among the unclean birds in the Law of 13 eccipiter vytofes, which the Jews might not eat of ( Levit. It . 16. Deut. à radicè Y3. 14. r5.) TheHawk in its kind, or all kinds of the Hawk,are ex- quod pluru'na cepted out of their food ornot admitted at their table. Thofe vet pannam fignemen habn car, qeuaf creatures which were ufeful to get man Tome kind of food, as might not thenbe all the food of man, in the Jewifh Nation. inPlebe. àvs. Nor will it be unprofitable, upon this occafion, to take notice 1016. how the Lord then (cc boundsand limits to the appetite of man, O o o z which 467