468 Chap. 39. an Expoftion upon the Book of Jos. Vert. 26. which is fo apt to exceed : He forbids feveral creatures to the Jews, for fome of which, poffibly, we can give no reafon but his Soveraignity, he would have it fo; and others were forbidden, btrcaufe poflibly, feeding upon them was not fo wholefome for the body of man ; and others God did except from the table of the Ifraelites, becaufe of fome qualities which he didnot like in them ; and for that reafon it is conceived the Hawk was except- ed. The Jews might not feed upon the Hawk, becaufe file is a bird of prey, and lives by r.vening and killing other birds ; fuch was the lawamong the Jews: and though that law be now taken icitur Latin' away, as the vifion Chewed Peter ( Act. so, a 5. ) yet there are acripirerabac fewithat make Hawks their mear, or eat of them. cipiendo, â The word by which the Hawk is ex refl in the Latina Gonifies @ter infrtam et Y p a infatiabilem to take or catch, whereby her ravening natureis denoted, be- rapadtarem. caufe the catches and (matches all the can for her living. Some liccipiteravii of the Ancients tell us, that the Hawk is a very princely regia,quaplus bird, who though file birth not much in bulk of body, yet animo gum sngu1 iaJ army bath much in the generofiry. of her mind , and is therefore ta,& quad in joyned here with the Eagle, as if this were the Princefs, and guanritatecar- the Qeen of birds. And 'fome report, that there is no other d;®r°'stun among all the fowls of the air,that dares contend with the Eagle,. denegat, hoc ei but the Hawk. Ariflotle reckons up ten forts of Hawks, and inviertas, & eudaeia animi Tiny fixteen : But I (hall leave that difcourfe to Faulconers. It rependit. is enough for the opening of this Scripture, to intimate Come- Vidor,l.12. what in generat of the Hawk. o£lued ex- :evil evibass Doch the Hawk fly. infeftattaurei- The Hawk is defcribed as flying.. Scm'e creatures are for going, . diaturaccipiter, betlum par- fome for running, but the excellency of the Hawk is in flying titer. Plin. And flying here is not to be taken in a general fenfe, as oppofed i.ro.cr7 to running or going, for fa it is commonto all the of the 4`71' facer aire ; there'snot the leaf+, not any of the winged kind, but can . dat f fly little or much : But when he faith, Doth the Hawk fly ? fly dat, nee deferit ing Y is ad durumrri- to be under(+ocd'fpecially, of fwiftflying, and of long con- amvd,autqua- tinued flying. The Hawk flies with wonderful fwiftnefs. Hence sear hararum among the Egyptians,the Hawk was,a Hierohick of the winds. fpatium,acfin And as the Hawk moves with wonderful fwi tnefs, fo with great aere P erfeverance.Náturalifls tell us r and it is the experienceof many, Albeit. that the Hawk will abide upon the wing, two, three, yea, four hours