Chap. 39. An Expo/ition.upon the Bookof J o E. Verf. 26 hours tçgether in the putfute of , or in waiting for her prey; and hence fome of the Ancients have made the flying of the Hawk, or the Hawk in his flying, an emblance of perfeverance. The Hawk movesjia the air, as if he abode immoveably there. Doth the Hawk fly by thy wi,fdonaa,Drunderfianding ? Thou feel how perfeveringly the Hawk flies, and how cun- ningly, or wifely,to her bell advantage : Doth the Hawk fly thus by thy wtfdom, or haft thou taught the Hawk to fly thus ? hall thou inflru&ed the Hawk to make this ufe of her wings ? no, the Hawk flieth by my wiCdom, I have given her this flrength, and taught her this skill, for God takes it unto himfelf, it is by my wifdom and inflru&ion that the Hawk flyeth, The Vulgar Latine reads thus, Doth the Hawk feather herfelf, Nun:quid per or get her feathers by thy wifdorn ? Our Translation runs to the fapientid tuarl2 . ufe of her feathers, this to the groweth of her feathers ; as if it plukefcitacci- had been laid , Dqh the Hank get her feathers by thy wi fdom, peer. vulg.. or haft thou let her feathers fo exaaly in her wings ? This read- ing may be taken two ways. Firtl, Dolt thou make theHawks feathers grow at Firft, doff thouplatt thole feathers inher wings? furely, no. Secondly, Doff thou renew the Hawks feathers?When the Hawk hath mued or Icafl her feathers ( as they who are ac- quainted withHawks know their natural cuflome is) doll thou caufe them to grow again ? Cutely, no, thou didfl neither at firfl plant her wings with feathers, nor when fhe hath cart her fea- thers , doll thou caufe thole feathers to renew; that's a good reading But I (hall keep to our own. Doth the Hawk flyby thy wifdom ? 469 Hence note, Firfl , The Lord bath man fame creatures more enferve his pleafure, than his neceffities. Whatever fervice the Hawk Both toman in catching the prey, the Partridge, or Phefant, or other fowl, man might ferve him- fell of them (as manydo) Come other and cheaper way, and not by hawking. The Moralifts could fay (fpeaking of fuch like crea- tures) Manwas loved by thefupreamMaker of all things, even to Vfq;addeties- hia delight and content. God hath given fuch fwift wings to the fupImosand. hawk, notonly tofet forth his ownpower, but for mans pleafure. tore amantur, Hawks Senes.