-Char an ExpoJitionupon the Book.of . VNf. 27 , 475 amount up ? The word in the Hebrew, fignifies to get high, very high, ex- ilea sublitnú tream high, and is therefore ufed in the Noune, to fet forth etas sr fi,it, the highnefs of God (job t I.8. P-fal. I 1 3.6. Ifa. 5. 16. fa. eninuit per 5z. 13.) It notes allo the highnefs of heaven (Ufa. 5 ç. 9. Pfal. n:etaphorani 103. 11.) which is called the Throne of God, and the habi- foper tation of his Holinefs, and of his Glory. ' fis ufed allo CO de- note the height of a proud mans fpirir, which would fain rife up to the height of heaven, and be like to the moil; High, yea, higher than the molt High ( 1 Sam. 2, 3 , Pfal, 1 3'. I. Ifa. 2. it . i zek. 16. 15.) In all thefe places, and many more, the word is applied to the highnefs of a proud mans fpiric, which though it be indeed the lowell and bafetf thing in the world, yet Itpus manupon high thoughts of himfelf, and upon high defigns for himfelf' he wouldbe mounting like the Eagle. both the Eagle Mount ? The Eagles flight, or mount, exceeds the Hawks, or any other of the winged train, in three things ; Fa, In the fwiftnefs of it. The Eagle bath great and long wings (Ezek.17. 3.) andfhe can make great haft with them ; therefore Solomon"callingupon us, not to fet our eyes upon riches, gives the seafon of his counfel (Prov. 23. ç.) Por riches cer- tainly make themfelves wings, they flie away as an Eagle towards heaven; that is, they are fuddenly gone, and will not return at thy call. The Eagle will not come to the Lure, like the Hawk. To flie away as an Eagle, notes two things concerning riches ; Eirfl, That they will The away fwiftly, fpeedily, they are focal gone ; fuch is the Eagias flight. Secondly, That they (often)fiie away irrecoverably, there's no recalling them. The Scriptureof- ten expreffeth the more than ordinary fwiftnefsof rnen, by the fwiftnefs of the,Eagle. David lamenting the death of Said and onatban, gives them thischaraer (2 Sans. 1. 23.) They were fironger than Lions, andfwifter than Eagles ; that is, "they were exceeding fwift. On' adverfaries were fwifter than the Eagles, faid the poor captivated Church, when the ,,,4jyridn came in a- gainathem (Law. 4.19.) Read alto Dent. 28, 49. Hof. S. I. 1= 2 : . Hab.