Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Ghap.39. E,gis Expoftion upon the Book of J o B. Verf.27, feveral other Scriptures (Numb. r 3.3.) ,fundMores by the com- mandement of the Lordfeat them from the wildernefs of Paran; that is, he fens the men that were to fearch the Land ; The He- . brew is, Mofes by the mouth ofthe Lord Pm them to !earth the Land. Again (2 Kings 24. 3.) Surely at the commandement of the Lord came this upon Judah, to remove them ont of hisfight, for the fins of lkí.vsaj/èth. As if it had been faid,When the enemy made inrodesupon the children of Ifrael andJudah, how came this to pats ? furely at the command of the Lord, or at the mouth of the Lord, came this upon Judah. it is the word in the Text ; Doth the Eaglemount up at thy command ? or,, at thy month ? One would think, that it is not only the Eagles nature to mount up ; there is fomewhat in that; but that's not all, it is at the Lords mouth, at his command , and that we are fpecially to take _notice of here. What means this difcourfe about the Hawk and Ea-- gle,but tomake us mount up our hearts to God,and acknowledge him in the motion of every creature ? It is at Gods mouth that the Eagle mounts up; but what's the command that theEagle receives fromGod ? Drh not the Eagle mount up by a natu- ral inflin&, or according toiihe-Lawof nature planted in her ? L anfwer, (he doth. Yet becaufe that natural inflinet of the Eagle is of God, therefore we are to lookupon the Eagle mounting up,, as by a fpecial order and command of God.. And thus rie are to underhand the motion of ail the creatures, as confequential of a. Facit hoeaqui. command given out by God ('Pfau, 148.8.) Fire and bail, flow lauaturaliiis- andvapour, (formy wind,fulflling his word, or his command.Though /liuflu. ands there be a naturalcaufe of the creatures motion, of the motion of áuremnaturatie cf} the wind, of the vapour, of the fnova, and hail, yet we mutt not ea quidam rful rerum, molto flop at the natural caufes, and look no farther neither rain nor ereatur,e ad fnow fall,.nor winds Wow, but at the command of the Lord ;,Nor præeeptunt doth the Eagle mount,up at the bidding or teaching of man, but Dei. Aquin. at the commandof God, mina her natural inllinó in doing fo. Dedmind hand D RgUtIA' Doth the Eagle mount tep at thy command ? ut anoUat fe ì» altum?Vatand Hence Note ; rhe. fpecial motions of the creature are of God. Mans mouth or command, cannot make any creature fuir foot orwing. Who can make the Eagle mpunr, the wind blow, or the rtin.fall betides God. ?. 477